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Zyn'Kimbro Fishing Spear can't be amped


New Member
So i finally finished my epic mission to get the Zyn'Kimbro Fishing Spear.
I wanted this for long to use it in pvp and what the hell, after close to 20k mobs killed
I finally get it and notice I can't even amp it!!
What a massive disappointment... Why can't we amp this magnificent weapon??
I demand melee amp for my fishing spear, how the hell i'm supposed to fish with this without one :'(

This mission sure didn't have a happy ending! :(

edit: spear is now ampable and my epic mission has happy ending :)
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This is the most unfortunate thing very much indeed!
So much effort tears and blood of the PED card into getting a hold of this magestic piece of art, and in vain
The glory and magic is somewhat mythical but not fullfilled

Lets have one moment for the non happy ending of this


Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
Hey guys,

I've noted this for the Cyrene team to review, the Zyn'Kimbro Fishing Spear is an old item before the melee amplifiers were introduced in Entropia (If my memory serves me correctly). I'll see if anything could be done, I also edited the title to this thread to be more informative.



New Member
Hey guys,

I've noted this for the Cyrene team to review, the Zyn'Kimbro Fishing Spear is an old item before the melee amplifiers were introduced in Entropia (If my memory serves me correctly). I'll see if anything could be done, I also edited the title to this thread to be more informative.


yea, i know it's older item, but so are all caly and ark melee ones and they are able to be amped.
being able to amp it, wouldn't even be unbalanced since it's eco even with IV amp would be below todays 2.9+ avg.
but thanks for checking if something can be done to it :)

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
its probably a simple line to add, all the rest were changed but as the spear isn't considered a weapon as such it probably got overlooked. hope its enabled tho :D


New Member
Sorry for bumping an old thread, but i wanna thank Cyrene devs for making my fishing spear accept melee amps :)
I know the amp in pic is too big, i have Trauma IV in caly waiting to get on this spear :p