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Hey there :D been reading up and wondering if the texture levels will be adjusted in the future to appeal to up and coming material designers and if the drop rate will increase in later patches. Excited to see how Cyrene develops^^
Kris | Cyrene
Kris | Cyrene
Hey Caro! I do hope to adjust the current levels for the next VU as well as trying to introduce more textures.
thanks for the reply ^^ Any ideas when the next VU is coming out?
Kris | Cyrene
Kris | Cyrene
Nothing is set in stone right now so the short answer I guess would be no =)
yo Kris.
Been exploring the whole planet once again, seeking those old jacks you guys changed the spawn of.

Any chance you can tell where they are at?
Kris | Cyrene
Kris | Cyrene
Hey Afroman!

I can't tell you where the spawn is, but what I can say is that they should have been a rare spawn and not in their own spawn. They are still in game but more rare =)
