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“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do, keep moving forward.”
Yes I know that SA has control of everything and that you are not the cause, but it's abused since the time quests are there and that the items are still not there, yet it recharges L. armor they are a really weird sense of priorities ... Otherwise nice planet, am a fan.
Good luck
to make the thing as doing well until we bout.Que it feels not abused and that before putting quests assured that the rewards are also implanted at the same time as the quests who cares it rewards motivates.
So at work and good luck.
yay super totem of Christmas, and if not for the rank 1,2,3see is when Ecotron unl, not because I started the badges for this and it's still not the and am not the only one waiting, this shit is doing the same quests and is not therefore rewards instead of implanted new things as cool or what, why not already set up and finish the quests in place or all players spending money for nonexistent rewards actuellement.
Kris | Cyrene
Kris | Cyrene
Hey soitzen, we're working with MindArk to get those items in the vendors, however, it's not something that we can do alone.
finaly set up my own profile on cyrene forum and wish I had of done it sooner ;D but what can I say.... iam a busy busy grinder ;D