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Hello Kris,

iam new in the Forum. Yesterday i try out the Hunters Cavern with the Paneleons. Its a good Idea with the Auto Loot in the Cavern. But the Cavern has some Bugs. Somtimes i had to run to the Mob to shoot. Then in the same time iam far away again. But at all the Idea with small Hunting Quest is a good idea. Kind regards Kara Tosbaka
Кто подскажет где найти подруливающее на копье. Под деревом нет ни фига
Kris | Cyrene
Kris | Cyrene
Right now there's a bug for the spear coordinates, it will be fixed in the next PP VU, but you currently cannot complete that mission.

I hate how you have to download it to play i still cant play it because you have to download to play it
Hi Justine... Do you know how many of each crystal is needed to get the power crystal for lazidol? i.e. how many lesser need to be combined? or if there is a different combination...
I have one tier 7.8, what do you think is a good price ? I must tell you I paid a fairly high price and quite a lot for the tiering.