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Need of Salvaging locations with parts

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Quest: Spears in Need of Salvaging
Seat: [135343, 78648, 110]
Engine: [133531, 78290, 122]
Brakes: [135372, 79698, 143]
Steering Wheel: [136300, 80317, 100] by Hammer McLeod
[136830, 77184, 120] by Falagor
Reward: Spear Mk. III (L) Blueprint (L) 10 clicks

To my knowledge, the reward is Speark Mk. IV (L) Blueprint (L). :)


Active Member
You could have at least given a bit of recognition to the ppl that gathered this info on your blog...The way you wrote it gives the idea that it was you that gathered this info when it is not true.

IMO is not very nice to plagerise others.

I know that explicitly I didn't said anywhere that I have discovered them myself, but sorry if it sounded like that; to make it things clear I added a disclaimer at the bottom of the post mentioning clearly that this is not the case (quoting: I haven't discovered the locations for these mission myself, but I found them on various Internet sources, as well as asking around on the #cyrene chat; on this post I only collected them in a single post, to make it easier for other people that will be interested about it in the future).

Anyway, my intention was not to get credit for them, but just to unify the locations of both TPs and mission WPs into a single location that can be easily referenced.
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