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Planet Cyrene PVP Token System


New Member
"Equality" sounds nice to those who haven't put in many thousands of hours and dollars skilling.

I'm not against an area like that, but not for it if it's the only pvp on the planet.

Sounds like Cyrene has bigger problems atm though.

I agree that shouldn't be like this in all PvP, but for newer players is a lot more fun and better than sweating for ped. Is just a different slant on PvP, guess view it as a cyrene sport.


New Member
Ok then, hopefully there will be some use for gained pvp skills in the other areas. The Hub should be fun for lots of people.

I agree Xen, altho I will likely enjoy the PvP style they came out with ( at any cost for me ), i would also like to see this setup in an area where skills matter. On the other hand, these area's do give u a change to prove who's better:p


New Member
I agree Xen, altho I will likely enjoy the PvP style they came out with ( at any cost for me ), i would also like to see this setup in an area where skills matter. On the other hand, these area's do give u a change to prove who's better:p

I guess if you skype/ingame chat and go into the hub could get interesting ;), twichers and co-op groups... will be fun i reckon :D.


Vintage Yquem Port
Those items you can buy for your KT (Kill Token) is that the same items as in the TT? Or in what matter do they be different (I didnt spent much time outside the HuB :) to check this out) BTW why is the area where you use your KT PvP ?

Remember to remove the platings too :)


Vintage Yquem Port
and not to forget - the HuB is a cheap way to pratice PvP before you go for the High Rollers where you hard earned peds and skills will be used


Kick Ass Elf
Yeh Rex I forget the name but there was an FPS game that launched with this system (exclusively) while back. Guess it was like like the online Poker of FPS's. Its a shame. Az reviewed it over at virtual mind hive and it sounds like it had a lot of potential but yeh it fell over in no time at all. Even faster than APB I think maybe. I didn't know they ran away with the silver though! 8O

I think Cyrene would do well to cool it on the advertising of that feature though till its more settled. I can imagine the FPS fragging die hards coming to try something like this in EU with the hope of earning cash from it and finding eu combat well... not exactly quake 3.


PS I find if someone doesn't understand that EU is dynamic and the risks they take investing money and time in it, or if someone simply hasn't bothered to read things. Its best to ignore them...


again, I have no idea...
OK one thing, could you please make it so my Mindforce implanet does not get removed out of my head, it takes a lot of ped to get it in again !


Active Member
How about a 1 pec arena? And add different items on the TT there, for a newcomer who just started the game and want to go there. 25 pec per death is a bit to much for them. Adding a 1 pec entrance on a new arena, would let them get a taste of how its like, maybe make the items on the "puny" arena place all below 1 ped. But higher durability, and lower damage/heals. Then everyone can afford to go there and do some pvp fun to get a taste of how its like.
Of course the reward per kill would need to be lower than 20 pvp tokens. And perhaps different pvp tokens idk, then make a puny npc broker, for improved weapons on puny arena =).
Just a suggestion. :)


Plates bug was killing it last night(this morning for most people). It was a lot of fun but the force chat full of people arguing over plates being ok and haha to F avatars that can't use them was less fun. (Though it was extra special to kill someone in a duel when you're doing half the damage they are).

I think it's a good start though, I hope to see team challenges, new maps, and competitions coming soon.

disclaimer: soon is a relative term, there is a lot to be done first.

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
OK one thing, could you please make it so my Mindforce implanet does not get removed out of my head, it takes a lot of ped to get it in again !

When you exit The Hub, your implant is returned to your inventory, and placed back into your head, but ... you have to log out and back in again to realize this. ;)


New Member
Was definitely a fun experience for me.

Definitely a few things that could be fixed though in my opinion.

1) plates being disabled
2) makeup masks not being un-equipped
3) the teleport invincible fapping

I think in the future, adding some items to the vendors that could be purchased with pvp tokens, such as, clothing etc that can be shown off outside of the hub as a kind of badge to show what you've been able to earn through pvp'ing.

A ranking system would be nice too.

Until the plates/fapping issue is worked around, I think I might keep my distance from the Hub...definitely a great place for some cheap fun and has lots of potential for the future. Great job Cyrene Staff!


Staff member
I think in the future, adding some items to the vendors that could be purchased with pvp tokens, such as, clothing etc that can be shown off outside of the hub as a kind of badge to show what you've been able to earn through pvp'ing.

This :) Or perhaps even some awesome looking weapon that would be a real reason for people to grind away at the Hub. Or exclusive tatoos for your avatar or something. Doesn't have to be much, but indeed, something to show off ones achievements.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Like the ide with equal skills.

But, i realy hope u guys will do this kind of pvp area where u can use ur hard earned skills and gear aswell!
this game has always been skill based.

Hi Xpl0jd :) there will be 'normal' PvP areas on Cyrene at a later point as well (outside Hub).


You didn't know 7 years ago there would be a Cyrene, don't pretend this was your goal.
Plenty of PVP options around on several planets, no need for all planets to be the same otherwise space travel is pretty pointless.

Actually, it was/is my goal to skill up in what is supposed to be a skill based game in order to have a well earned advantage (which has slowly been taken away I might add). That's why I asked if there would other areas where in game skills mattered.

Next time quote my entire post and read the entire thread.


New Member
That's why I asked if there would other areas where in game skills mattered. Next time quote my entire post and read the entire thread.

You'd have problems if your skills wouldn't benefit you. I however think that a diversity types of planets and skillsystems are required to increase platform popularity. If planets attract more people from a wider range, your skills will become more valuable.