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Recent content by anonymous256

  1. A

    make ecotron UL series avatar bound

    alts dont have reputation.... all i can say is thank you cyrene devs for making unfair situations like always :)
  2. A

    Bad Example given by Locals once again

    This reminds me the past, Long ago a streamer found an exploiter. Then one of those guys(kjellings) punishing the exploiter doing killstealing to their mobs and then the exploiter decided to take revenge I do not have problems with those people but there is something I do not like ... and it's...
  3. A

    Ecotron v.15e

    I forget other question, The weapon was designed to be tradeable or was a mistake and will be patched soon?
  4. A

    Ecotron v.15e

    then it is tradeable or not? Could you please answer yes or no? in advance thank you very much for the possible answer
  5. A

    basic target chips

    one npc at tantasha tp and other at stagin for drill bot daily
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    basic target chips

    If more player come to cyrene, btc ammount available and drop rate is the same every 45 min is the same.
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    basic target chips

    BTC is rare loot and can be looted in waves the main problem is btc is shared with all robots from cyrene and cyrene only bring 2 btc every 45 - 60 min but can be lloted from : socut bot,drill bot, imperiums, protocore,skyshatter and stalkers so once they were looted the loot pool is empty and...
  8. A

    Cyrene will continue working with this unfair, predictable and exploitable system?

    hello fifth look for some if it is profitable. when the wave reaches tide claw if you kill them give only 8 cracked shell, crystal pede only 14 hides, 4 Paneleon tail tip, and 8 medium grade power supply etc.. so if you kill about 10 mobs just leave it empty until the next wave for that reason...
  9. A

    Cyrene will continue working with this unfair, predictable and exploitable system?

    I apologize in advance for my bad English is not my native language. hello I'm a newbie who has over a year living in Cyrene and I remember when I hunted the loot came randomly. I had not heard that now the loot comes in waves, because I was happy with the dailies mining, and collecting sweat...