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basic target chips


Active Member
hi kris,

Lately basic target chips hardly drop

thats a problem, it stops crafting and the motivation from newbies to stay here

I suspect that someone is hoarding them, ruining the economy for own advantage

its called market manipulation.

solution: raise cap of the chips so that they drop again.

The manipulator will also be corrected.




Well-Known Member
No :)

I have 38 on storage, but its not for resell, i want to use them when i will have 100.

The first problem is : there is no players en Cyrene when there is event ! Its Migration + Atrox attack. Last week was Old Fred, before was Oratan. If Cyrene will do a Zeladoth Attack, it will be fun.


New Member
I am coming back after a long time away and thoroughly enjoy it here. The Basic Targeting Chip is a source of misery for me. I am a Tailor/Texture professional. My society is depending on me to make uniforms and i can't do it without the BTCs. I know the AH has them for suche a greedy high price I can't afford to pay for the amount i need for what they are asking. I have hunted for 3 weeks and terminated hundreds of robots. namely drill bots per this page. http://www.entropedia.info/Search.aspx?searchtext=basic targeting chip&type=go

And, it seems the word " common" is not so common. err. rather... it means nothing because the drop rate is not common at all. being market savy and balancing your budget is hard enough here without unfair advantage being given to market manipulators. I dun even know what dynamics are involved in doing so. My main concern is whatever is causing this issue is really giving cause for me not to enjoy Cyrene. Many blueprints depend on this chip,. and well. its very disappointing. I live on Arkadia right now and would love to migrate over to take advantage of a new opportunity for tailoring/texturing. you can only open new worlds where free trade is available, Planet Earth is a perfect example of this.


New Member
BTC is rare loot and can be looted in waves the main problem is btc is shared with all robots from cyrene and cyrene only bring 2 btc every 45 - 60 min but can be lloted from : socut bot,drill bot, imperiums, protocore,skyshatter and stalkers so once they were looted the loot pool is empty and the next 2 btc come in 45 - 60 min.
so if you want btc need to defeat: other hunters - grinders - campers - people doing scout bot or drill bot daily and of course you need to defeat botters like caombot or botdark i dont remeber the name


New Member


New Member
Thank you for responding

I don't see myself doing business in Cyrene or even moving their under those circumstances. the link i posted says its common loot. http://www.entropedia.info/Search.aspx?searchtext=basic targeting chip&type=go.
I don't see how anyone stands a chance to fly to Cyrene.. (mind you ... after they get off work. or perhaps the weekend for a working person) to fight against the mafia of campers and hoarders who dominate the market in an effort to suppress free trade.MindARK should be MINDFUL of this. Most of your common weapons are manufactured with this chip, clothing. thus making even the most puny of gun..... a rare item. It is insane to think there is any potential on that planet as long as this kind of choke-hold is maintained on a material component by a select few chip cartel members. That's probably why nobody goes there to begin with. Only people there are those that control the market based on current drop rates are the ones that live there, at least that's the impression I get.
It seems that MA is making a big push to market Cyrene as " The Place" to go. Well, when i look at the auction house, the only thing i see for sale is " drops" or mined stuff... nothing is really manufactured there, no clothes, no weapons, no real selection of vehicles?? there isn't any kind of industry of manufactured goods. Growing its economy starts with " Open Borders" policy meaning, off-worlders need an incentive to buy/sell/trade finished goods that are specific to Cyrene. All the forums i have read about Cyrene have the most ' Wonderful" people, they care about the world they have chosen to live on and try to make the best of it, I want place emphasis on that.
I have a suggestion. Think about kickstarting Cyrene like any business does when it opens its doors. It has an incentive to come to the store ( a sale, an event, giveaways, blah blah) and that event lasts for a set period of time, perhaps 3 months or so i.e open the borders. The bottom line is this. As long as MA advertises falsely on one website a product is a common drop like the BTC, and its not and i have to find out by rumor and heresay that is really a rare drop, thats a false leader and false advertising to get people to Cyrene, which very quickly disenchants anyone from ever taking the planet seriously or the credibility of the website they got the information from.
(http://www.entropedia.info/Page.aspx?page=Main Page). But since i have been informed of the fact that its a rare drop and only campers and marekt manipulators can have it, this is what is rare on Cyrene. No one will ever be able to wear clothes in any reasonable sense from this planet.
If peeps could see others wear clothing from Cyrene and see how cool it is. Others may inquire " Wow, where did you get that?.. Cyrene?? I may have to go there so i can learn to make that.. or wear that.. or perhaps access the Cyrene AH and buy it... right now??? Not a snowballs chance in hell.
In closing.... No Economy?..... No people. My message to MA? please fix your drop rates and establish a more equitable fair trade so your lovely planet can grow and flourish

MA must consider these items being made rare by the ridiculous drop rate of the Basic Targeting Chip is counterproductive to its home world exports and if this planet fails to gain popularity, this will be a major reason why

0.023.0015000.0Planet Cyrene
A.R.C. Special Ops Foot Guards (L) Blueprint (L)10.023.0015000.0Planet Cyrene
A.R.C. Special Ops Gloves (L) Blueprint (L)10.023.0015000.0Planet Cyrene
A.R.C. Special Ops Harness (L) Blueprint (L)10.023.0015000.0Planet Cyrene
A.R.C. Special Ops Helmet (L) Blueprint (L)10.023.0015000.0Planet Cyrene
A.R.C. Special Ops Shin Guards (L) Blueprint (L)10.023.0015000.0Planet Cyrene
Imperium Common Shirt Blueprint10.023.0015000.0Planet Cyrene
Ozpyn BP S1X1 Blueprint10.023.0015000.0Planet Cyrene
Ozpyn LR S1X1 Blueprint10.023.0015000.0Planet Cyrene
Paradigm Shirt Series 2 Blueprint10.023.0015000.0Planet Cyrene
Paradigm Shirt Series 3 Blueprint10.023.0015000.0Planet Cyrene
Paradigm Shirt Series 6 Blueprint10.023.0015000.0Planet Cyrene
Paradigm Shirt Series 7 Blueprint10.023.0015000.0Planet Cyrene
Paradigm Shirt Series 8 Blueprint10.023.0015000.0Planet Cyrene
Paradigm Shirt Series 9 Blueprint10.023.0015000.0Planet Cyrene
Last edited:


New Member
as a footnote. Could you tell me who the contact is for the drillbot daily? and the location. :) I will do what i can until a change occurs

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I will check in with MA and see about not only the current amount out in the world but also about some of the topics brought up in this thread in general to see if there is something that can be done.

All your feedback is important and is appreciated.

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As long as MA advertises falsely on one website a product is a common drop like the BTC, and its not and i have to find out by rumor and heresay that is really a rare drop, thats a false leader and false advertising to get people to Cyrene, which very quickly disenchants anyone from ever taking the planet seriously or the credibility of the website they got the information from.
(http://www.entropedia.info/Page.aspx?page=Main Page).

A lot of misunderstanding here.
  • Entropedia is not affiliated with MA and comes with a disclaimer of "All data is collected from users. There is no guarantee of accuracy. Use at your own risk."
  • Most of users contributing to or using entropedia probably haven't read the definitions of loot frequency ranks - those are somewhat counterintuitive; as a result, loot frequencies are more often understated than overstated.
  • You, too, can contribute to improving the data - at least the things that are not broken (missions and maps unfortunately are).


Well-Known Member
For me, the drop rate is not the problem.
There is no players on Cyrene ! That's the problem. If more player, more BTC and other stuff looted and it will be hard to hoarder to manipulate the market !
If there is event, more pple will stay on Cyrene !

Neo Jr XL

Thank you for responding

Well, when i look at the auction house, the only thing i see for sale is " drops" or mined stuff... nothing is really manufactured there, no clothes, no weapons, no real selection of vehicles?? there isn't any kind of industry of manufactured goods.

Have you ever thought that crafters may actually take there products to where customers are? Have you checked Caly auction? It's full of Cyrene products.

Botters should be dealt with. I've reported one myself sometime ago, but didn't do the video, so don't think anything was done. As for the drop rate don't think it will be changed, as then we would ask for strong sinew drop rate, xent X3, ranked weapons, ARS..and why not even shrooms on Caly. I would rather have C team to focus on what they promised but haven't delivered, or retract their 'promises' and not confuse the customers (not working high end FAP, empty token and badge vendors, etc...)


New Member
True Neo, very true. ummm, ? what cyrene products do you see ? stuff you buy in the trade terminal and taken to caly to sell at markup. ? or raw resources ? that's not really what i mean. but i do understand where you are going. You are referring to supply and demand ratios. and of course there has to be a demand for something before a sensible supply source can be provided. I do understand that. So, the real question is? What will ignite that fuse of demand? My answer is to make more available the export of unique cyrene product by easing the tight fisted control of material resource it takes to create these products., Im talking about healing the wound, not adding a band aid. Smoochies all better now


Yeah, as long some personages constantly farm and hoard the rare loot, I don't see how the others can get a single piece.


Sandal San Tolk
Obvious bot users are plaguing this planet because of attractive loot just like this. I remember a recurring nuisance at the Scout Bots south of the hive, known by their being oblivious to your presence and constant mob stealing even if you keep moving away. You only get rid of them by doing likewise, steal their mobs and after a while they will T out. No response is ever given to friendly messages. I don't know what it takes that something is done about them at last.