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Recent content by Zenzile

  1. Zenzile

    Climb the Statue!

    Havent forgotten I've just been busy with my sport finshing for the season. Ill reschedule sorry.
  2. Zenzile

    Climb the Statue!

    Will 18:00:00 work?
  3. Zenzile

    Climb the Statue!

    I'm sure we can work something out? When can you be available closest to that time. Thats 2 pm or so for me. Could you be there 6 hours later? 28:00:00?
  4. Zenzile

    Climb the Statue!

    Entropia Universe Time :)
  5. Zenzile

    Buying Ancient Red Scorpion

    I'm looking to buy one of these for tt+375. Pm me here if you have one for sale or add me ingame! Just look up Zenzile, last name is Kael. I may be slightly flexible on price but last one I bought was for tt+350 :)
  6. Zenzile

    Climb the Statue!

    ____Climb the Statue Event____ Reward: 25 peds! The first one to climb to the top of the Statue will win 25 peds! If nobody can make it the end will be changed however the head is the finish for now! Date: Sunday July 17th, 18:00:00 (EUT) Location: 0x101 Supply Depot, Statue Keep updated...
  7. Zenzile

    combined log - hunting, mining, crafting

    Aww, well yea 90% tt isn't bad. Idk why I said that xD
  8. Zenzile

    combined log - hunting, mining, crafting

    Do you not count markup? Cause if you do your returns are pretty low hunting and there are a few things to fix. First you fap too little and have too high armor decay. Second well its all about observing and adjusting to what works best. Your log is interesting. By the way I can fap for you...
  9. Zenzile

    Selling Hunting Loot: Zenzile's Sales Thread

    Im currently on vacation but when I get back I'll pm you ingame and we can make a deal :)
  10. Zenzile

    Swamplurker invisible bug

    Ok thanks! Didn't know it was old but why hasn't it been fixed yet since it is?
  11. Zenzile

    4 global streak, 7 today

    I'm not one to post about globals as honestly, they aren't a big deal.... But holy shit, today has been incredible. I was hunting Mang Chang and loot was terrible so I switched mobs and bam global. 3 more later. And now I come on and try my luck on swamp lurkers, not only can I hunt them eco...
  12. Zenzile

    Selling Hunting Loot: Zenzile's Sales Thread

    I have a large assortment of loot from animal oils etc to robot loot and swamplurker oil! Feel free to pm me here or add me in game if you are interested in anything! I'd like to do this to encourage crafters here. I need to make the most of my ped but I can still give great prices. I can let...
  13. Zenzile

    Cyrene Citizen of the Month - July 2013 (no I)

    Big grats! Looks well deserved :)
  14. Zenzile

    Swamplurker invisible bug

    There is however a way around this for other hunters, you must pull out the health bar and double click it when killed to loot. Don't make the mistake of not, it costs ped :/
  15. Zenzile

    Swamplurker invisible bug

    It really frustrates me to make an account here on the forums to report a bug. I would love to hunt on Cyrene but its things like this that maybe take away from the experience. Swamplurkers seem to go invisible as they target you and move tword you. They proceed to attack so you basically...