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Ok i will share the reward for this new mission :
Rank 1 = ?.?? ped Combat Reflexe
Rank 2 = 4.85 ped Athletics
Rank 3 = 10.10 ped Courage
Rank 4 = 20.11 ped Inflict melee damage
Rank 5 = Combat Reflexes (5.55 ped i think i'm wrong but i found this amount)
Have fun :)
Edit : About rank 5, this...
i want to open a new service on Cyrene. We all know how it is long and hard to have the hability for Summon mobs like Lazidol and Empi Wasp Queen.
If anyone, solo or team, want try his luck on these mobs you can contact me here or in game : Justine Justine Titine.
This Service will help...
Heya Kris,
i am on the last stage for Dire plant mission, i notice all mob count for the mission except Old Dire weed.
Sprouted give 1point, mature 4, guardian 6, etc etc except old give 0 point
Heya all,
i think it's time to allow us to improve our Cyrene gear :)
Some suggestions :
-Imp BE armor to Modified BE armor, maybe same armor or a little bit better + Evade/dodge buff or Focus blow/increase critical hit damage
-Ozpyn BP S1x4/Ozpyn HK S1x1 on adjusted weapons with a better...
Hi Kris,
Did you plan to put specific mission for puny/weak Mang Chang and puny/Weak Rhino beetle?
Mission like Nimet or Venataur would be great !
Cheers :)
Well when i reached today 6000/9000 for this mission, i got this message :
[System]: Mission updated (The Merfolken Initiative - Rank 3)
Then, the goal is not 9k but 6k ? I got the skill from the reward...
Hello Cyrene players,
this forum sleep a little, then i open this thread for celebrate my first year in game.
I started Entropia universe on Calypso. After 10 days my mentor found me. I was stuck in outpost and he helped to join a teleporter. Noemy Syphilis is from BlackAngel HQ, he play on...
Hi, i will open this thread for speak about lime green token.
I don't understand what developpers had in their mind when they create this thing. I think, its like oil rig. I am ok with that, its good for newcommer and create a little market. But the drop rate is around 500 Lime green token per...
These crystals are really hard to loot. Then i wish to see a hof rare item when someone loot them. It will be better for contact and buy crystals, like tanhok amber. Maybe drop rate must be increase like tanhok amber.
I did today a summoning totem, and what a surprise ! Summoned Zeladoth grow up to 25k hp ! I like that, nice challenge and very nice potential :D
Time to farm more totem now ^^
Hello, i would like to see improvement for this mob. Actually you need to kill over 100k mob to get the 550k lime green token. And hub stuff is not really good for that. So, to help to get more fast these tokens we need a repair terminal near the area, maybe next the revival.
It will be great if...
Hi i don't know if its a known bug, but sometimes when i want use a totem the broker don't work. I must relog, sometimes 2 times in row before it work.
I hope i explain coreectly
Hello, anyone know what is this 2 yellows bubble thing in the sky ?
This is a mining section for the future like FOMA or Arkadia Underground ?
I hope Cyrene's Staff will put some deed for this thing :D It would be great if we can have a part from Cyrene !