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  1. Jarman

    Where is Planet Cyrene going to be placed?

    This Tuesday I will tell you were it will be lol
  2. Jarman

    Planet Cyrene Launch Date Released

    :shock1::shock2: already ready for pew pew pew
  3. Jarman

    Planet Cyrene Launch Date Released

    I'll like a house right there please :P
  4. Jarman

    Planet Cyrene Launch Date Released

    Ok so had to read all 5 pages, but this is awesome, I can't wait to land on the planet and start exploring my new home.
  5. Jarman

    New Colonist clothing?

    If it's a clothing item I would venture to say it would be UL as I have never seen limited clothing. oh wait.... What would happen if a gorgeous person is walking about and next thing you know their clothing reach's it's minimum condition and they are many km away from storage/tt/auctioneer...
  6. Jarman

    Where is Planet Cyrene going to be placed?

    Oh, of course, obviously :banghead:
  7. Jarman

    What goes on behind closed doors?

    That really is a cool pic
  8. Jarman

    Why Cyrene women rule!

    Ok, Ok, BUT, will she loot well lol :boxer::shoot::badbee:
  9. Jarman

    Well Helloooooo

    It's a animal, equals it's a mob, I just wanted to see if it would hof for me :xxxlaugh:
  10. Jarman

    Pictures And Images for Curious People

    Oh man, this is some wicked cool stuff :wolf::afro:
  11. Jarman

    Well Helloooooo

    Hi all, looking forward to the Planet coming into the Universe, I have heard some pretty awesome things about Cyrene and can't wait for Pew Pew Pew :P :shoot::monkey_slap: