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Well Helloooooo


New Member
Hi all, looking forward to the Planet coming into the Universe, I have heard some pretty awesome things about Cyrene and can't wait for Pew Pew Pew :p

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Hey Jarman :) a warm welcome to Cyrene forum ... Yup, were awesome things will happen :D

Thanks for taking part in it =)

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Well look who's here :clap: - glad to see you made it over here! :)

- and here's to some fun times for sure!

I see that quite a few like the ol' monkey butt slap smiley!


im awesome.
Hi all, looking forward to the Planet coming into the Universe, I have heard some pretty awesome things about Cyrene and can't wait for Pew Pew Pew :p

what the hell are you smoking? trying to kill the butt slapping monkey?:bandit::alcohol::kos:


DigiDime Founder
hehehehe, Gotta love that monkey... Welcome to Planet Cyrene Forums mate. Hope you feel at home cause I know I do.