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with 1 week away from release i am curious why there has been no change on the main cyrene web site ....makes me nervous as i have heard promises b4 from MA and planet partners to have it drag out for days weeks months even years .....
has there been any changes in release date curious as i know things can happen dates change ... issues may occur and what time on may 1st if no change .... 1 week away omg i think im gonna have a heart attack waiting lol
here is a very good idea people should be allowed to have more than 1 toon per account .... i would like to create a second avatar ...most games out there now have several char slots .... ya ok i have to deposit more but be very cool..i could have a business toon a hunting toon mining...
why is everyone wanting pets what good are they cept to bring lag ...... that is a question like can u hunt with em sick em on ppl etc ...... if not then ill pass on pets waste of peds
hey lots of gay people play EU ....hence the sexy toons .... yeah ok i admit id love to strip him too hehehe cool picture ... still hoping that not everything on cyrene is limited
ok my b-day also in may .... early b-day for me mind u i think we should get out the whips .... such a long wait still .... ok release date has been confirmed but where will it be ? any hints on this and on release date will there be new vehicles with release or we have to...
my view is pvp in space just keeps some stuff from moving around so the planet partners have a chance to get thier money back on the loot mobs drop as far as space goes other than it taking a few pecs off my ship now n then from space mobs and being shot down by pirates call it cost...