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Why 'Veterinarian' is not a profession!

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Almost everyone has had a pet as a child or maybe asked their mother for permission to keep the sweet doggie that followed them home from school!

And even more had a dream about becoming a vet when they where kids because animals are SO cute ...

Well, think over ...


'Veterinarian' is not a profession for a reason! This 'adorable' Terranix male Boss would pretend to have a tooth ache but before you know of it you would be sucked into the deep revival and feel like Pinocchio stuck in a whales tummy!

And if a Merfolken Hunter complains about a torn in it's claw ... do not trust it's evil eyes! It will with certainty rip your insides out and dance on your shattered body parts.

Always remember; The only good mob, is a dead mob!



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New Member
why is everyone wanting pets what good are they cept to bring lag ...... that is a question like can u hunt with em sick em on ppl etc ...... if not then ill pass on pets waste of peds


Active Member
why is everyone wanting pets what good are they cept to bring lag ...... that is a question like can u hunt with em sick em on ppl etc ...... if not then ill pass on pets waste of peds

LOL I don't think I even need to comment on this one, I am sure some of you will know what I am thinking.

But reading this brought up a question. When taming comes back will we be allowed to bring our pet to a different planet?

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
But reading this brought up a question. When taming comes back will we be allowed to bring our pet to a different planet?

I think you should have to build a pet stable on each planet. :D

Gives people a chance to get themselves some protection before you unleash them. :nana:

Nor Alien

Whisker Fish
Hi, my name is Alien. I have today my pet Softy. It dosen't matter what you tame, Softy will kick it's ass and save room for yours!! :D

By the way there is no such thing as a tamed Softy!! :HellNo: Any attempt will leave you in a state of pure hell!! :nono5: Unless of course you bring cookies!! :braa: Enough for you to run away. Sort of a delayed death..

Come to think of it... I think i'm going to start running now.. :openmouth: