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We're also discussing how the BP books could be made better. Lots of people have already commented that 1 book per planet or 1 book for all of EU would be nice. Now we're expanding the discussion onto what features "would be nice" if they could be implemented. My idea stems from mastermesh's...
I think that's a good idea but that would require changing the BP QR system. It would require the QR to be similar to how skills are where LvL 1000 Handgun takes X# of Handgun skill gains, and LvL 2000 takes far more than 2X skill gains to accomplish.
This is to prevent people buying 100 BPs...
I think it would be more beneficial to MA if the single BP book for all planets costs 1 ped. MA doesn't make profit from BP books because they don't decay. They have to guarantee they have enough $USD in their bank account in case people sell all their BP books and cashes out. So in other words...
My vote is for 1 BP book for all planets, but I also see Tass's point about some people not wanting to see some BP names in their role-play :).
So first choice: 1 BP book for all planets.
2nd choice: 1 BP book per planet.
I remember making an avatar for over 1 hour when the Incursion update first came out. Too bad it was still just for portraits when I tried the trial.
That last video is CCP's vision of merging one of their future games into the EVE universe. It's called Dust and it'll be an "MMO" FPS on consoles...
I sure do :(. Back then people only needed to see my smiling face and know why I picked the name. Now you cant make any extreme features on avys so it just doesn't fit as well as it use to.
For those wondering what they're talking about:
Which I believe is just another type of placeholder text much like
The C is nice and simple. I would prefer something with more Cyrene flavour to it like :badbee::wolf::mur:
But I understand 16x16 or even 32x32 will make those look kinda bad :P