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Space Travel to Cyrene


New Member
Good to have the Forum up and running, looking forward to the new planet and I hope many new players to the Entropia Universe.

Travel to planet Cyrene will be by via space for those of us already active participants of Entropia Universe, one item that may help would to be a safe corridor through space to Cyrene. (non PvP)
It would also help trade if trading lanes were to be implemented or some sort of safe trading routes, this would encourage players to bring items with them that may well be helpful with building the economy on Cyrene.

I look foreword to the release of Cyrene and hope this idea can be considered.


Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Hey Dove and welcome to the forum :)

The space system is implemented to be the same used for all planets and is created by MindArk - and even if I personally fully agree with you that a non lootable space corridor would only benefit the planets, I'm afraid your wish is not easy to be granted.

As I see it (from my own personal point of view) the total lootable space is ruining more than it is helping, because it splits up players and planets and makes it difficult for people to move around if they wish to, and to make business' between the planets to help the overall economy. Instead of having one game we have several games disconnected within one game. The edge was made even harder when the auctions got separated too. And that would even have been ok if it was easier to travel through space.

But one thing not to forget is, that the planets are not made to 'feed' from each other (at this moment the EU player base is far from big enough for that world-model though), but each planet has a responsibility or duty to drag in own players.

I have no doubt, that this will be happening for Cyrene when we launch ;) - but it doesn't remove my own wish for a non lootable corridor between the planets :goodbee:

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Hey w d roberts. That would be awesome, if some of the large flight services would help people getting to Cyrene when the planet launches =)


New Member
hello all. i ll do flight to cyrene too in vega , new planet will always attract ppl . it s the call of exploration.


New Member
John Black Knight will add it to the normandies flight schedule im almost posative of this as the Normandie visits every other planet ... so people wanting a flight it will be worth contacting JBK for info..
John Black Knight will add it to the normandies flight schedule im almost posative of this as the Normandie visits every other planet ... so people wanting a flight it will be worth contacting JBK for info..
Im on mandie almost everyday, and if JBK is going to travel us (like everyday) i wouls be very happy to reach Cyrene
hello all. i ll do flight to cyrene too in vega , new planet will always attract ppl . it s the call of exploration.
For free iulrock ?

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Calypso Rescue Team will be setting up a post on Cyrene so we can help all those in need.
*Tango* :)
That is incredible news for sure my friend ... I've been a fan of CRT's for a long time, and throughly enjoyed producing CRT's society profile in our launch issue of the EntropiaTimes magazine ... what a great time that was!

to our new Cyrene Forum Hon, and I'm hoping to see more CRT members here in the future, as well as run into you guys on Cyrene after launch. WAY good to catch up with you again!

Cheers! :yay:

Ed Robles 3

Active Member
Even we do not know where we will be placed. This is a function of MA. We might get some early info on it, but as of yet we do not know.


The Notorious Daisy ColdFinger
The only reason id have a problem with cyrene being placed in the center of space (I doubt MA will) is that as a pirate, it would make the job of monitoring loot flow traffic to multiple entry points, incredibly difficult for me lol


New Member
from the look of the space map right now i'd guess the new planets will end up in the corners of the maps, so cyrene could become the closest planet to calypso or the most removed planet, all depends on ma and ma's mood. Also offering cheap quad transport (preferably passenger has no lootables on him so I don't have to shoot if pirates -costs so much ammo and get nothing in return)