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price on the vendor for this armor is wrong.
Vendor ask 90ped shrapnel per armor part. That's 150% MU ! Usually that was 105% MU...
Is it intended to put 150% MU there ?
Hello everyone.
Here some screenshots :
You can now buy pills, strongbox, cheap weapons, Cyrene's components and damage enhancers
If someone need something, contact me and i'll stock the shop for you. I'll put same price as shops from Calypso. No more fees...
Hey i would report a bug exploit.
There is some guys who sweat Byg Byrd.
They are never killed.
Byg Byrd never go unreachable.
They gather sweat trough the tree.
Here pictures :
i would like to report a problem with Collectible Drill bot.
Item is so small and when it is on a container, we can't drag them back to inventory.
Could you improve that for the next VU please ?
Hello everyone, i'm back after so many month far away from the game due to real life issues.
I bought a weapon especially for this event and let's see how it work !
I use an [EWE EP-38 Night Special, Augmented], 76% efficiency and 3.12 DPP.
This is a tier 2 weapon now !
ADD : some players...
Heya all, we did the wave event - The Duke. That event gave us a bad return.
After a short pause, me and CEASAR we made a team for hunt some Zeladoth Omicron.
We got a 377ped HOF pretty fast and we was happy with it. We killed some more and this beautifull dropped to our hands :D
Well today i did a mining run when i found that : [Cyrene Token Splinter]
But i found it far far away from the place where they are supposed to drop
I hope that help for repair the area :)
First Uber with my new TOY Fen Edition
Sorry for the error*
2839 Ped Old Tide claw. I farmed Platinium Tokens on L50+ mobs and my weapon reached T1.9. I jumped to Old Tide claw for farm Tier II Component and i found this hof :cheer: