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Thanks for the response Kris. It is one of the better/best answers I've seen from a dev in terms of explanation, and I even agree with MA's position, which is, let's face it, a rare occurence.
The info text shown above could have been a bit better - Here's what you'll need for the one-time...
The stolen armour was/is player bound, if I recall correctly, and only available once per player from completing a mission that was long ago withdrawn (with an extended deadline because people felt too pressured originally). Thus, nobody can have two sets anyway is my take on this, but I could...
The winners are the ones whose pictures and text will be used for the screens. We already know there isn't planned to be any prize beyond the fame - as things stand.
Alternative suggestion for top Rusty one ^^: Cyrene: even vehicle recovery can be a scenic delight!
Some entries are not screenshots with the avatar, but I think a couple of those are still very good indeed.
My guess is that it was a bit of a dark humour joke, and just that when visible the other missions should be available. If other stuff was off, such as after maintenence or a patch, then we would know something was wrong as opposed to having no clue as usual. - a sort of Christmas egg if you...
Ah, I'll give it a try thanks.
Caption more wistful maybe:
Cyrene, where even a swamp at night can be magical ...
So much to see: the mists of Cyrene and moments in time.
My avatar has refused to look directly at me for years now
edit: I typed this hours ago but did not send it. Now, when I looked at this page it suddenly uploaded it.
If destiny wants this posted, then I should say that it has annoyed me for years too, and as one of the things that would stop me...
It appears that twen tokens are not dropping on Cyrene at the moment. ... ... ... ... even the dots are getting tired of this universe when the platform provider screws over the pps' players again and again and again to a percentage of mu here and a percentage of tt there and whatever.
Somehow I doubt that MA will now implement changes over the Xmas period, even if it's for limited period drops over Christmas to New Year itself.
It's not even a request to necessarily increase the dropped amount, but the spread, originally known as waves, but now also wavelets and even capped...
Thanks for the helpful reply. I was going to add a bit more anyway, and as usual it is a problem for us players to know the difference between bugged design and unbalanced design, or even 'intended for now' design ...
I appreciate that work is being done on the loot 'dynamics'. I can see that...
Can you please do something about the holiday magic amounts dropping, or get MA to do it if still firmly in their hands?
The wave depletes far too fast every time I even enter the instance and find it happens to be on. In under 5 mins even on puny I may as well leave again; the holiday magic has...
Yeah, it pains me to see theoretically useful stuff/potential go to waste. I'm almost glad those shops tents are half hidden at what I call the "101 of how not to supply depot" (my inner jokes are sometimes a bit weird, but some will understand).
I may be attracted away again by a different pp...
I'd just like to dwell on current turnover fluctuations a little.
It seems our little universe is very prone to very quick flow changes around the planets, depending on what is happening.
Cyrene has gone from massive turnovers, according to globals stats, to very little again in a matter of...
Have the spawns been retweaked up again now that MA have worked on the 'server latency issues'?
Oh, and is there word of whether lots of people solo in instances such as Mayhem has a big effect on MA servers too?
Has Kris gone missing?
This thread has been ongoing for quite a while, but I've just watched from the sidelines. However, it does involve, once again, knowledge, estimations and balance issues that you will know are important to me.
I very much like this part of your answer Kris, and it shows one of the examples of...
I'm now seeing progress on a few bars I'd put more work into, even a counter on the taming Zyn'viathan now.
Mining is still only a slither despite a number of finds I would expect to show up more. Perhaps it is EXTREMELY daunting, or has 'some other explanation'. Any totals people have would be...
ok, thanks for that info. I'll recheck what I'm seeing then...
It's great that Kris took up our wishes and was able to apply them to most of the 10 missions, yes. On the other hand, I still have missions active for 3k kills or whatever of something I rarely kill - for which counters were then...
Regarding your recent answer to Dante [original Kris quotes now edited back out because I think it's better just to read his reply above than what I 'extracted' ...]
So you have unbalanced balancing restrictions that then need approval for their unbalancedness?
If I understand correctly, the...