Can you please tell us what will be removed, so that we have a chance to complete missions etc that are going to disappear?
I dont think any current missions will be removed , the soft launch content most likely will be removal of certain equipment from the pool that was made for the soft launch in testing certain dynamic features , the final dynamic unlocks (thanks to the Cyrene colonists) will occur this PP VU and most likely the next (depending on MA giving the green light on offical launch systems (what they may be ?). I still think the final PP VU for the soft launch is in May to mark the 2 Year Anniversary of Planet Cyrene, im almost very postive the official launch will not happen until after June/July. However I think the transformation will occur over several mini updates after the 2 year Partner VU.
Im sure the Cyrene PR Marketing Team have a nice trailer coming for us previewing the Official Launch of Planet Cyrene.
It may also mean saying goodbye to current rugged landscape us colonists have played on for the past almost 2 years, as the transformation i believe will be planet wide. But the mobs (however i think most creatures and humanoids will all transform) but will still be the same mobs and missions, however the mission brokers will be moved or merged i guess making way for the new content to come.
Just think of this they have a complement of staff that have been creating this new age we are about to see for over 4 years now and using the soft launch players dynamic involvement , stats, missions, attitudes. Kris and Lykke have been assisting the colonists in preparing for what is to come the past 2 years so alot of the Cyrene community have an idea what to expect...but most of it is all shrouded in secrecy (Ed made that statement clear in June almost 2 years ago) and that part is exciting.
The Third Epic Questline will lead to the transformation phase i believe, so everyone prepare for it - it will be more challenging than the other 2, and i believe the players that have finished both previous Epic Questlines will have a huge advantage going into the new age.
But my honest feeling is that the missions stay as they are (maybe a few changes to the dynamic systems, placment of mission NPCs etc..) but some equipment will be phased out (no longer drop)