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a person very concerned about the "COMMUNITY" and the cyrene planet in general

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Steve kenarban

New Member
Hello all my name in the game is steve and I play entropia universe since 2012,
I was born in Calypso at that time but after a few months I moved to Cyrene in search of better opportunities I remember the old map and I just hunted scout bots for hours every day.

Shortly after a long time I managed to convince my little brother to play Entropia because for me it's the best game there is, so he started playing a few weeks ago and I advised him to do the same thing that I did a while ago move to cyrene and do your activities here while you test the game and that's what he did

then I had to go to calypso to participate in the enigmas event, so I left my brother here in Cyrene and I left him 500 peds and a weapon so he could explore something and have fun while he knows the whole planet, and when I finish the event I go back and hunt together.

Everything went very well until he met a person too toxic and you may have a serious mental problem, according to how my brother was talking to the npc to collect the quest available when this person arrived at the tp Suply depot and started to insult him, then I told him to take a screenshot of what he said to go to my brother's house and see what was happening and in fact this person started to treat him very badly and tell horrible things to a 10-year-old boy who did not mess with him at all.

Then I decided to return to the planet the next day to try to talk to this person and when I arrived I went to the same tp and did not spend 5 mins, when then he arrived with the toxicity again only now against me. so without knowing me insulting and accusing of things that he believes that we did, and arguing to be very worried about the planet and the cyrene community in general.

I made this post because I think it is fair to know that we have a poisonous snake at home and know the new players who come to visit are prepared in case they run into this person.

I want to share the worrying screenshots that I take because cyrene is always empty and with people so toxic and crazy, it will be more empty and that is not good for thecommunity and for the planet that in my opinion is the best.
Entropia 2018-03-30 10-40-41-83.jpg
Entropia 2018-03-30 10-40-44-85.jpg

I should not make clarifications, but I want you to know that I deposit sometimes and I do hunting every day on cyrene and I want you to see my loot is not much but I do the best I can to enjoy the game and I think that in a certain way I contribute something .
Entropia 2018-03-30 11-03-10-54.jpg

Well that's it, I hope you have a good day and I hope you do not cross by accident with this idiot.

Neo Jr XL

i've seen Skubahta around, but not Steve (and no i don't play on cyrene since 2012, but have HOF discovery on 'ultimate' coat). taking 6 years to register negative Cyrene related post as your first post on forum tells something ...Skubahta went overboard in his wording in the screenshots i see, but i can figure out what's the real issue was...

p.s 'a 10-year-old boy who did not mess with him at all' only that statement should ban you and you 10-year old boy from the game in case you bother to read MA 'rules'....

Steve kenarban

New Member
i've seen Skubahta around, but not Steve (and no i don't play on cyrene since 2012, but have HOF discovery on 'ultimate' coat). taking 6 years to register negative Cyrene related post as your first post on forum tells something ...Skubahta went overboard in his wording in the screenshots i see, but i can figure out what's the real issue was...

p.s 'a 10-year-old boy who did not mess with him at all' only that statement should ban you and you 10-year old boy from the game in case you bother to read MA 'rules'....
Hello gratz on your discovery hof, look I do not speak in cyrene chat because I do not speak English, I'm using Google translator to do this and for the same reason I did not create an account in the forums.

The only thing I like to do is hunt and hunt mobs without stopping. You say you can see what the real problem was, could you please tell me what is?

And by the way my post is not about the bad of cyrene, it is about a person who is judging us and attacking for no apparent reason, I invite you to read my post again and see what happened, in the code that when I get to cyrene I went to where my brother met Skubahta and did not spend 5 minutes and he did not know me and he started to attack me, as you can see in the images.

Look, this is what my brother captured. He did not even start the chat. It was skubahta who sent my brother a private message and if you like you can read the conversation so you can see and help me understand what we did wrong.
new friends.PNG
He did the capture with the windows tool because he does not have fraps installed.

I asked my brother not to return the insults to skubahta to go to my parents' house and see for myself how everything had started. We live in the same neighborhood in different houses so it was easy and quick to get there and see what happened.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
I don't know either of you, i have seen Skubahta around but never spoke to him, Steve is such a generic name i could have passed you and the name just didn't stick

The problem with alt's camping on the ARC terminals has been a sore spot for years and if someone with no clothes, prof rank or globals is stood there, suspicions (rightly or wrongly) will be made. i've seen many of players log in there every 15-30 mins to check terminal and then log back out.

Either way, Skub's language is completely unnecessary, but i can understand his rage if he sees someone logging in and out at the terminals.

i've seen comments aimed at sweaters and traders many of times, all i can suggest is ignore the player and move on

Steve kenarban

New Member
I don't know either of you, i have seen Skubahta around but never spoke to him, Steve is such a generic name i could have passed you and the name just didn't stick

The problem with alt's camping on the ARC terminals has been a sore spot for years and if someone with no clothes, prof rank or globals is stood there, suspicions (rightly or wrongly) will be made. i've seen many of players log in there every 15-30 mins to check terminal and then log back out.

Either way, Skub's language is completely unnecessary, but i can understand his rage if he sees someone logging in and out at the terminals.

i've seen comments aimed at sweaters and traders many of times, all i can suggest is ignore the player and move on

wow, thanks for understanding the rage of skub's



You cant imagine how much my heart bleeds from reading this guys story. As for the mental problems and bla bla bla fuck you and your remarks. Funny how your brother knows where to leech from already. At least 20 mins standing at vendor is a great way to get skills.

While at Depot I saw lots of players run from TP to the vendors, so I stood at the vendors while I was having lunch, and invite anyone to do the same. What is going on is absolutely ridiculous and a piss take. Just standing there for 30 mins you can see the amount of "avatars" that log in for 5 sec then log out, you can see the amount of "avatars" that you can look up their name on Entropia Life and have never even looted anything, not even on a 5 ped puny, running to the vendors. I have followed a couple to see what they do after finding out vendors are empty, they run straight to Hub to collect token stand there for a while then run back to the vendors, check out the rig, basically some go on a very obvious "leeching trail". Its not difficult to guess where they are TPing to next. Others log in and out straight. Cyrene has turned into a leeching camp fest. How about pulling the plug on these camp sites and channeling those resources differently?

I have been playing in Cyrene for nearly 6 years now, cycled many k of ped, got to know some of the players that have been playing here for a while. It used to be a small community, it has grown but not in a good way. Most of the new players you see around are clearly alts that dont contribute to the planet in any way, only take. Leeching has never been this bad and it will only continue to grow. As an active player it takes the piss that I´m loosing peds that eventually go to the pockets of these leeches. It also takes the piss that resources made available by PP that could be covering losses of the active players that actually engage in any type of activity at Cyrene, are taken by people that do fuck all apart from leeching. You dont see any of the avatars that usually camp the vendors or Hub doing anything else. After they have taken all they can, they go spend it somewhere else with some other avatar.

Leeching has even made PP change some of the ways things used to work in Cyrene (Ecotron to name one). IMO actions should go even further. Why not dry the Proving Ground and increase the drop of green lime tokens in Turrelia Lurkers and the Beast? Surely by now it is clear that almost nobody actually fights for the tokens in the HUB. Some go there to kill the "Leecher Gang" for the daily and thats it. Make the Green lime tokens harder to get so they increase in value and reward the hunter, not the leecher. Justine has made some valid points about the daily cyrene tokens in another post, they are far too easy to get and have pretty nice MU. People are using alts and getting them by the hundreds because you only need to complete hand in missions. How easy is it to create multiple accounts and farm Cyrene tokens? Ok its a pain in the ass at first, but after you get in going 5-6 alts can yield a hundred cyrene tokens easily. Why not make the dailies harder? Like the Zyn´Dos mission, kill missions with mobs of different maturities that reward more or less Cyrene tokens depending on how hard the missions are to complete.

You want to help out new players? Fml, look at Monria and their project. They have done an amazing work and turned an abandoned "dead" moon in the best community in EU. They provide advice, promote field trips, they have many programs to help new players and retain the existing ones like buying from the Moon shops, sweat and loot buying from new players, their space program. They promote the best events in EU by far and have an outstanding player base that is friendly and helpful. Why are they friendly and helpful? Because they are happy and proud to be Monrians, they feel they belong to something. There is strategic thinking to what the PP has done in Monria, and IMO a very good and successful one. The marketing and business model is working really well. They have campers? They have leeches? No. They are not promoting leeching thinking THAT will bring active players to Monria, they are doing it differently with far better results. And yes, when you have these issues going on in Cyrene, the community brings your attention to them, and the answer from PP is "hey I know, I will start an oil rig next". Is this really the direction you want Cyrene to move to?

Cyrene has been the pioneer of many ideas that have eventually become mainstream in EU or picked up by other PP with great success, while Cyrene quite quickly goes to the rear seat. Its not enough to just have the idea, you need to put it to work. All that players get from Cyrene are promisses and promisses and more promisses. When is hard launch? Where is the graduation armor? Toulan is a dead rock but they managed to get one!! Where are Mechs? Where are the items for Cyrene born players? Where are shooping booths? Where are the ARC Stage 3 rewards? Where are tickets for Ecotrons? I read a lot of fixes in the last VU, Im still "allowing time for MA to put things to work". How long? Maybe untill next VU? Next patch? Next anything?

I look at the statues at Depot (idea copied by Calypso turned into auctioned statues), players that where somehow relevant to this planet so they where "honored" by having their statue put there: Agis used to be a very active player at Cyrene, used to put up good information on forum, gone. Non, who helped me out when I first started to play, gave me advice, sponsored some of my first hunts, first time I when to Space and Calypso was with him, gone. Masterchief, had great fun with him pvping at the Hub, used to buy loot for his crafting, gone. Tuners, amazing at pvp (the best pvping at the HUB in that time), most of the information we used to have in the forum about Cyrene was put here by him, some links we still use today, gone. Thanatos, probably the biggest entrepreneur Cyrene attracted, responsible for the export of many of the Cyrene items people know and use today, hardly plays, maybe logs every now and again, gone.

Like me there are many others that are pissed off about these issues, many have left because of the direction Cyrene is taking. They may not verbalize it in a bad way like I do, hands up sometimes frustration and anger get to me and I write shit I shouldn't. Its hard seeing all this happening in front of your eyes for quite some time now. Others pack their stuff and leave. After most of the active player base leaves you will be left with only leeches and the occasional tourist that will come here for the odd fap mission or something. What will happen to Cyrene then? Become the next NI?

So yeah, I said it before and I will say it again...fuck all of you alts and leeching bastards. Every single last one of you.

As for the abuse given, write a support case to MA. See what they have to say. I wrote one about your alt. ;)
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Well-Known Member
Sorry Steve,
~4 years on Cyrene and never seen you around.
Skub isn't toxic at all, just a straight talker (well sometimes too straight).

10 y/o are not supposed to play Entropia. Age restriction is 13+.


Well-Known Member
For less campers/alt, this is simple. Remove all ARC exchange NPC. If camper have to play for gather Cyrene ARC tokens, you'll not see this problem.

For example :
Main avatar buy cheap Zorn star, Yellow, Green, kaisenite and Blue Crystal.
He split these components to all his 10, 20 or 30 alt.
Every days, a normal player can have 30 to 55 ARC token per day, this avatar can gain 10x, 20x, 30x this quantity every days. Like that, they can camp the ARC token vendor and bring all he can see and resell at insane price without spend any pec on hunt/mining or crafting.

Don't tell me, it's not possible, it is and i still reported guy. MA did nothing. And i bet there is more than 1 player like that.

The main problem is : ARC token can be got by any players without they need to play.

Replace the tokens exchange by find 50 kaisenite or 50 Zorn star or more etc... They have to play for gather the tokens.


Well-Known Member
My proposal is to make outside vendors available only for people whom completed the n00b challenge.
I bet there will be enough stock in this case, and less tension between players.

Good motivation to complete the mission as well.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
My proposal is to make outside vendors available only for people whom completed the n00b challenge.
I bet there will be enough stock in this case, and less tension between players.

Good motivation to complete the mission as well.

i like that idea

otherwise make the terminal items untradable (like the CDF), so only people who want one will buy one. eliminates alts getting the guns for resale or their mains


My proposal is to make outside vendors available only for people whom completed the n00b challenge.
I bet there will be enough stock in this case, and less tension between players.

Good motivation to complete the mission as well.

I think this is an excellent idea!!! :)


Active Member
My proposal is to make outside vendors available only for people whom completed the n00b challenge.
I bet there will be enough stock in this case, and less tension between players.

Good motivation to complete the mission as well.

Sure, if it also means that the vendors are stocked up, then I am all for. Can't be arsed to shoot punies only to discover that the vendor is still empty.


Well-Known Member
Sure, if it also means that the vendors are stocked up, then I am all for. Can't be arsed to shoot punies only to discover that the vendor is still empty.
Well, it will restrict alts and tourists who are there only for the purpose of camping the vendors.
Requirement of some ARC badges instead, would be less painful, if restocking isn't fixed by MA. :)


Active Member
this is exactly the issue on cyrene, many agressive people that only think about themselves.

Bitch to the cyrene dev team if you dont like it, not to other players

i ask dev team to ban this skubahta immediately, this is over every border and ts is totally right.

For others, if you think this is ok you really should visit a shrink. You guys are the problem cyrene has.


this is exactly the issue on cyrene, many agressive people that only think about themselves.

Bitch to the cyrene dev team if you dont like it, not to other players

i ask dev team to ban this skubahta immediately, this is over every border and ts is totally right.

For others, if you think this is ok you really should visit a shrink. You guys are the problem cyrene has.

After a post like yours, completley off topic from the course this thread has taken, others are agressive and the ones that need a shrink? oh boy, time to look in the mirror. I have seen you several times on Cyrene and Arkadia chat being far more rude and agressive. Now playing the sensitive one?

Cyrene devs. are fully aware, everyone has addressed this issues several times. By the way, im not thinking about myself, nor do I mention that in anything I wrote. I mention ACTIVE CYRENE PLAYERS losing out on resources that are taken by so called "players" that only take and give nothing in return has they spend the ped somewhere else. Even yesterday I saw 3 avatars that have 0 globals in Cyrene camping vendors.

Effect? Apart from screwing active players over, I had 5 players from my soc visiting Cyrene that left because of empty vendors and no chance to get anywhere near a gun to USE, not resell, actually USE. Talked to them about ARC badges, no cap and chest available at vendors to get armours. They were about for 3-4 days then all left because they saw no point in doing missions that are either bugged or grant access to empty vendors.

Now im butthurt and ask for Cyrene devs for stoney to sober up and be banned from forum. Something not right with him and its not being under the infuence of drugs.

Im not going to flame this thread further as im actually happy with the good ideas that came out of this situation. Got something to say? PM me ingame Deus Skubahta Rui, we chat there ;)
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Active Member
you have no idea what respect is and youre a person that shouldnt play adult games. I totally dont care whatever you think but you really talk to youre mom with that mouth?

Its terrible rude to talk to people like you do and you deserve to be banned

Dont be affraid, i will come to cyrene soon and i will camp everything i can.

the topic was about youre rude ass talking to someone you dont even know. Youre a terrible person.

Im used to cyrene people that change topic. Thats why you dont see me here on the forum.

But you?, you cross all lines.

good luck in youre life, you need it if you talk to others like that in real life. People will punch you in the face for it.


Active Member
and dont even think i will ever talk to you in game, i dont like to be attacked from out of nowhere by a douche like you


you have no idea what respect is and youre a person that shouldnt play adult games. I totally dont care whatever you think but you really talk to youre mom with that mouth?

Its terrible rude to talk to people like you do and you deserve to be banned

Dont be affraid, i will come to cyrene soon and i will camp everything i can.

the topic was about youre rude ass talking to someone you dont even know. Youre a terrible person.

Im used to cyrene people that change topic. Thats why you dont see me here on the forum.

But you?, you cross all lines.

good luck in youre life, you need it if you talk to others like that in real life. People will punch you in the face for it.

A sound, respectful and grown up post right here from a mature, educated and polite player. Thumbs up. :)
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Active Member
Well, it will restrict alts and tourists who are there only for the purpose of camping the vendors.
Requirement of some ARC badges instead, would be less painful, if restocking isn't fixed by MA. :)

I got plenty of those..
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