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a person very concerned about the "COMMUNITY" and the cyrene planet in general

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Active Member
just lets all be nice to new players. Cyrene has the name to scare away new players. Thats very bad for the owners of cyrene.

This problem is already here for years. Ive seen a lot of players that went to cyrene and bein treated very hostile. If you want cyrene to survive you welcome others, not scare them away.

The biggest problem cyrene has are its long time players. Lets change that and make cyrene a great and welcoming planet, maybe devs will solve the problems that exsist a bit faster. You cant expect the dev team to do massive work if the players ruin the planet.

So if you disagree with campers or whatever just tell that to kris. Dont attack the players, they only see opportunities.

Btw, the biggest campers are long time cyrene people.



Active Member
we really can use a reply from you kris, to tell us how you want us to behave to other players. Youre planet is at stake and im noticing this behavior for years.


Really piss me off people spamming the forum and saying the same things over and over about the cyrene community, when infact they talk just about few players. But right you're giving a good image of the planet on your side i see. (ironic). Long players are the problem ? i perso wasn't mean to anybody and made a lot of friends come arround. But yeah let's speak about hundread of players as generality when we talk about very few players sound legit.


Well-Known Member
if restocking isn't fixed by MA. :)

NPC is well stocked, just check Caly auction or sales history for the weapons from this NPC.
Just you'll never see any stock until non players will have possibility to gather tons of Cyrene Tokens.

It's often the same things, non depositor and non workers (IRL) have better chance than a depositor (you can change depositor). Remember how it was for Ecotron from ARC Vendor when only non players/campers got all weapons.
Now, since rules are more fair, players are not able to get the weapon because Cyrene failed to put Voucher in loot.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member

I think this thread has gone on long enough.

I personally don't feel like it's our (Planet Cyrene) place to tell players how to behave.

In a game like Entropia, with a global server where you can get a reputation that sticks, either good or bad, things will sort of dictate themselves.

Ideally, all veteran players will mentor newer or less experienced and knowledgeable players but with real stakes and real money on the line everything sort of gets cranked up.

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