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Bug Report Armor Plates usable in the hub?


Last Unicorn
Hello it seems that it is somehow possible to add armor plates to the hub armor.

Is that really meant to be?

Like several people now tried it out and it dont function in the hub.

It seems something with putting the plates on the armor while beeing on the planet and then going to the hub.

That makes ofc some people are in godmode.

What is meant to be with plates at the hub?

I posted it here to have it seen as it really urgent.


Pauhe Gunor

New Member
I have tried to attach plating to the armour outside and inside the Hub and it wont work for me, you can however attach amps and scopes to the weapons but it will not allow you to equip them when in the Hub

Pauhe Gunor

New Member
I only have 4 sets of plates and none work 2A, 5B, 6A, 6B i know some are irrelevant to PvP but i have tried to add them.


New Member
Some people in the pvp area have plates. Because the dmg ratio is some time 5-7 in dmg when the weapon say 15-30 :s Impossible to kill them....

Max EJ

New Member
Seems F armor can't use plates at all, and M armor you can put plates on all parts apart from the tigh guards.


Vintage Yquem Port
I have tried to attach plating to the armour outside and inside the Hub and it wont work for me, you can however attach amps and scopes to the weapons but it will not allow you to equip them when in the Hub

So if you equipt them outside will they work inside?


again, I have no idea...
I could attach a Cyrene plate I got from a mission. Could also attach amps to my weapon but got a message I could not use it on this planet


Last Unicorn
Seems F armor can't use plates at all, and M armor you can put plates on all parts apart from the tigh guards.

that is something to follow that would mean there is a bug which make the hub unequal between female and male


Active Member
I hope they fix it with a patch really soon, people are getting tons of pvp tokens by abusing of this bug. While those players that don't abuse it, have almost no chance to kill those abusers...


The Notorious Daisy ColdFinger
Yea i wasnt very happy when i learnt this is why i lost my 10ped many times over in the 10ped room against M ava's wearing mix burn, penetration plates......Only works for M...so yea, im not a happy chappy at all about that :(