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"Back To Beta" (2004-2012)


Active Member
Ugh reminds me why I don't play as much now, took out all the bugs that made it fun. Don't miss the crappy avi looks though!

Really?? You made me wait 46 secs for FIN? :shoot:


MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
damn i miss the butt slide, that was my favorite....
Oh yes ... and there was plenty of that going on at my radio shows and after parties ... people got real creative with that bug, and we would often have an entire ballet of butt sliders because of how many people were doing it at the same time in different directions. I love the creative spontaneity of some of my fellow Entropians - there's never a dull moment for sure, and I'm looking forward to enjoying more of it after Cyrene launches and I get busy again with radio stuff. :D


Kick Ass Elf
yeh the slides were fun especially the down hill one. I miss the hump flying. Definitely the most fun bug ever (If you don't count the one where I found out how to reset servers :D ) and I liked that you needed 2 to do it.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
I never understood the sliding thing! Perhaps my butt was too big :monkey_slap: I think I succeeded only once.

Man :( , did I feel left outside when I saw all the others having fun sliding around me ... round and round and round! I got even by jumping on their heads though :yay: