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Wish List Blueprint with unobtainable ingredient

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
I was looking at the Robotics Enhancing Gel Blueprint (L) and i see it uses Basic Electronic Fluid Memory which afaik is no longer obtainable. i dont think Robotics Enhancing Gel is used in any blueprints itself and can't be crafted itself

could the blueprint either be removed from the lootpool or replaced with a remixed version with different ingredients added, the gel could then be used in future blueprints.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Jetman,

I was looking at the Robotics Enhancing Gel Blueprint (L) and i see it uses Basic Electronic Fluid Memory which afaik is no longer obtainable. i dont think Robotics Enhancing Gel is used in any blueprints itself and can't be crafted itself

could the blueprint either be removed from the lootpool or replaced with a remixed version with different ingredients added, the gel could then be used in future blueprints.

If Basic Fluid Memory isn't able to be obtained anymore, and I'll confirm with MA about that, then the existing blueprint should be adjusted.

I'll check the status of Basic Fluid Memory and see what we can do.



I have some if you want to buy ;)

But i have them from 2009 or so. Afaik fluid memory (all types) and BTAU (and other variants) and also the scanning sensor i think dont drop in loot for over 5 years. Not sure bet there might be even VU notes about that, if anyone want to doa quick search on wiki.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I am already talking to MA about this and seeing what we can do about this particular blueprint.

Here is a list with the things they removed from loot several years ago, with a petition to bring them back (post #175):


This is very interesting, I'll have to check all our other BPs and make sure if they contain any of these components we try and make sure they are still able to be crafted.

Thanks for the information and feedback!



Sandal San Tolk
I'm astonished that they didn't inform you of this upon submitting the design. After all it was their own decision to remove these parts.

Neo Jr XL

I'll add my 2c...Fine Hide, available everywhere except Cyrene unless I'm hunting wrong mobs all the time...been known for years, as well as Robotics Enhancing Gel issue...

Sorry to necro, but scroll down to excellent post by infamous TS TunerS, post #7 from Hagbard

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
As for the subject of this thread...

Is it worth the effort to fix a blueprint if the product isn't used anywhere? ;)

tbh nah :D unless there is future plans for it, i think removal from the lootpool is best.

or Cyrene can start dropping the items from San's link :p
Basic/Advanced/Enhanced Target Assessment Unit
Basic/Advanced/Enhanced Electronic Fluid Memory
Basic/Advanced/Enhanced Scanning Sensor
Basic/Advanced/Enhanced Strategic Combat Processor

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I'm astonished that they didn't inform you of this upon submitting the design. After all it was their own decision to remove these parts.

Well it's a big universe, and sometimes things slip through the cracks.

tbh nah :D unless there is future plans for it, i think removal from the lootpool is best.

I think is the easiest solution by a big margin.

or Cyrene can start dropping the items from San's link :p
Basic/Advanced/Enhanced Target Assessment Unit
Basic/Advanced/Enhanced Electronic Fluid Memory
Basic/Advanced/Enhanced Scanning Sensor
Basic/Advanced/Enhanced Strategic Combat Processor

I'm trying to find out more about why these were removed and what's been happening to them, then we'll see if we're allowed to do something with them.

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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I've gone through the reports and seen the loot frequency of the majority of the stackable items on Cyrene. They've already been sorted into categories and adjustments are pending, however we need to talk to MA first to see if there's something they can adjust on their end before we make our changes (which can only happen as part of a Planet Partner VU).

When I have more information I'll update this post, but I suspect that will be in over a months time.
