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Bug Report bug report March 24th mini-update


Well-Known Member
yeah waiting on the ghost and medical officer now heads up would be nice if somthing was wrong


Active Member
Entropia 2015-03-25 13-03-37-52.jpg Kris,

idk why I get this crazy spam window, each time I shoot a mob, drop a bomb, or when I get close to anything related to missions info, also I get it when I tp myself anywhere..is absolutely annoying.

First pop up when drop a bomb, second when I hit a claim and third when I hit the mineral from mission ( all in few seconds ), or when I shoot any mob from any mission, I get two pop ups, and when I loot another 2...and so on

I received this spam message first time when I interact with The Ghost of Roy Fulker, Space Pirate

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member

See my post here: >>LINK<<

It likely has to do with these missions, I think this will resolve your problem.



Active Member
hopefully today....... is it anyone in particular you have to deal with at MA, or is it sourced out to a call centre operator to press the key sequence required for each mission activation?
I'm waiting for a press release along the lines of: "We cannot activate the life-saving planetary sun shield because nobody has restocked the vending machine with the particular type of chocolate bar that the service techician likes to munch on before he starts work".

I am actually waiting to congratulate you on doing the right thing and finding a good armour solution...... but no, it simply isn't possible to do that..... yet!


New Member

I love Cyrene, since the VU I have spent too much ped getting the extra daily badges from mining. I was expecting the mini patch to rectify the problem with the so called "players choice" dailies but it has not. The whole issue over the stolen armor has shown me that badges matter. I want to get as many as I can per day, it's part of the reason I love Cyrene, the dailies, rewards, all good stuff. Since the VU I am losing ped every day doing a profession I am unskilled in (mining), my choices are either suffer the losses or lose 5 badges per day. Please fix the player choice dailies, no choice at all does not seem fair.


Active Member
Sinbad, part of surviving in EU, on Cyrene or any planet is knowing when to STOP!!
If you are bleeding ped then STOP what you are doing, wait for another day, later in the day or something for the tide to turn.

I would love to be able to tell you, take it slow and easy, it will all come to you in time, but we have been shown that time can rape us if we are not careful. Play it wise.

On the mining, yes, I concur, it's been real shitty all over the planet for about a week now. Cyrene has been kind of poor on loot anyways the past month or so if you want my opinion but take it for what it is, a planet trying to start up and they need revenue to do it. I am thinking the mining might be boogered up because we have a LOT of folks here now working on things and they might be hitting the fields hot and heavy, hence taking the stuff. One thing I have noticed, except for those of us who know out of the way spots to find things, most folks tend to mine in very small general areas, and can quickly deplete them.

Good luck on your missions and another thing to consider, if the amounts you are capable of getting are big enough to 'ding' for the reward, do an area with a rookie finder, might lose less ped that way yet still get the mission credit.

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New Member
Hi Sluggo,

Yes, I understand and appreciate what you are saying. I have been on Cyrene for some time now, since before the discovery of stolen armor. Those that arrived just for the armor, well tbh I hope they get it, I like how Cyrene has attempted to appease the masses. It gives me a bit of faith that they may possibly understand my dilemma. I have a higher number of badges, I have worked hard for quite some time to have these badges. They do not necessarily give me any kind of advantage, yet knowing that there are an extra 5 per day for players, in a prof in which I am unskilled, is vexing. It is not so much that newer players to Cyrene will overtake me in badge totals and have access to limited sales from npcs sooner than I will. It is about the time, effort and ped I have already spent on this planet. To have it all feel meaningless because the daily badge numbers per day have almost quadrupled feels unfair, and for it to be a more expensive venture for me than others is just salt in the wound. If the crafting dailies were working I would have no issues, I like crafting.
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Active Member
I get you sinbad. That is one of the main reasons I left games like EQ and world of tardcraft. You'd bust your ass for something, feel proud and the sense of accomplishment and two weeks later they nerf it or give it away essentially. All your hard work, dedication, and in the case of EU, money is flushed away. Screw that.

Crafting daily's? Faction ones I know nothing about since I am not that level yet but the normal ones for skills work.

But that's the thing though. With all the shit there is to do on that planet and EVERY planet, it's like they are saying, ok we are going to PUNISH you because you didn't dedicate your time to this or that task only.. or on that hand, because you are not one of those people who can throw 10k ped a month at a game, or spend 16 hours a day here because you have no life. Some people have real life to contend with and can't do the time here to 'do everything' and they get to 'pay more' because of having other stuff to do besides piss away ped at record speeds. Yes I would like to get nice stuff too but not at 10000000 percent markup because I was not able to spend 300 hours in two weeks to grind it out before they pulled it. It is what it is though and I doubt it will ever change here.

To be honest, im afraid to work towards any major missions here anymore, by the time I might get close they will nerf it again and all that time and money pissed away once again. They already said they are contemplating some of the higher rewards because they had to put out for this armor kerfluffle. With Cyrene taking the official 'we are in beta, expect nothing permanent' stance, and no clue when they will go live, im seriously thinking I better just hold my ped until they get it sorted out. I really like this planet but the past few months been brutal on my ped card and I can't justify it anymore really. Arkadia has plenty of fun things to do and they are stable at least. In a month or so the novelty of this armor is going to wear off and Cyrene is going to be near dead once again. Maybe I am just pouting, who knows, but I am just really disgusted because here we are, yet another VU and the much of the same old shit we were promised would be fixed, is still broke and nobody seems to really care. We got a whole bunch of new broke shit too, weeeEEEE.



Well-Known Member
Back to the bugs, and maybe a temporary solution for Sinbad:

The mining mission tells us that we need to find at least 3 finds of 20 pec minimum.
However when completing the mission it doesn't look at the minimum value of 20 pec, if you find 14 pec of a resource it counts too.

(so you can use the newbee finder from decay and only loose 10% of what you do now and still get the badges, without having to worry about too low tt finds)


Well-Known Member
not sure its really a bug or has been mentioned before but taming arrets does not count as kills towards the test of faith.


Active Member
Good tip harmony. While that seems a slight bug, it does verify that a rookie finder can help folks save a lot of ped yet complete the missions. So far from what I have seen, depth is not too horrid an issue on finding some of the stuff you need for mission.



Indeed rookie gear works, i did all 5 mining mission with probes and decay for less then 15 ped using a rookie terrafinder.


Active Member
After a few months of saving mission tokens I went to the boffin to get my set of armor blueprints.
I checked with the bofFUCKER and was told he was selling armor. I gave my tokens and got a set of weapon prints.

WTF?? !!!

Come on guys, this whole planet is just dirty with language errors, and simple fuckups like this. Ok we get it, English is not your primary language. First off, errors like we see all over the place for the most part are NOT a lack of understanding the language, but rather laziness and half assed doing shit. Secondly, if you do not understand the language to the point that you can't do a PROFESSIONAL presentation, oh you know, like a PLANET!!! HIRE SOMEONE WHO CAN. You don't even have to hire someone, there are plenty of people who will / would / have volunteered to HELP YOU. Yet these irresponsible errors keep coming up again and again. VERY unprofessional.

Seriously, you cut and paste yet are incapable of changing one word and command line to actually make it work correctly on the next target you are pasting it to???

not happy



Well-Known Member
still no update yet, my new computer will be here in a few hours so I hopefully looking forward to the update, otherwise I play cities skylines, just dont want to waste my PED , unless it counts. Lazidol and Empis Queen pls make them work cheers:)


still no update yet, my new computer will be here in a few hours so I hopefully looking forward to the update, otherwise I play cities skylines, just dont want to waste my PED , unless it counts. Lazidol and Empis Queen pls make them work cheers:)
A lot of players keep waiting not only for the armor but also for the new content.

Any news Kris ?


From now until i get my armor, i will only do the dailys. Have a feeling we wont get it at all thou :/