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Bug Report bug report March 24th mini-update


Active Member
I have a suggestion for the darkness problem. It was supposed to be fixed last VU, it wasn't. Not sure why but anyways. It's supposed to be fixed this VU. We will wait and see...

but on that, how about until someone DOES figure out how to fix it, you alter the day /night so that night is very very short. Pretend you are in alaska where its light 6 months out of the year. On that, if you could get MA or YOU if it's your call, alter the day night sequence so night is very short it may help. If for some reason the darkness does not get fixed, instead of putting up with not being able to see a damned thing for an hour, if nights were 'abridged' we would only have to put up with it for say 5 or 10 minutes. Then after it all gets figured out, you can set the day / night sequence back to normal.

From what I can tell, and please feel free to correct us if we are wrong, day / night does nothing mechanics wise, ie a mob only spawns at x time or something like that, so altering it should not affect anything significant except that we can actually see for a change.



Active Member
anyone else having trouble creating a thread in this subforum?
Yes can't create new threads anywhere.
Nice. I guess if you don't let folks have a venue to bring up bugs, that means there are none right?
Brilliant C team.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Yes can't create new threads anywhere.
Nice. I guess if you don't let folks have a venue to bring up bugs, that means there are none right?
Brilliant C team.

I contacted our Forum Admin yesterday about this (I noticed this issue about the time when I was trying to post up the patch notes) but clearly this issue has been resolved now =). This was of course not intended.
