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New Member
I decided to come to cyrene today, which i did. Few mins there and i got crashed to desktop. I was like ok nvm, but i could not log back in, and still cant. I press launch at client loader, enter my password, start it, and then it freezes. I tried to repair at client loader, didnt work. Any help? I teleported to A.R.C camp Zeta when i got CTD by the way.


New Member
will try it as soon as i get to some other comp... till then i will be offline :( also my RAM is 1gig, that might be problem, someone told me that


Fate Thanatos Themis
will try it as soon as i get to some other comp... till then i will be offline :( also my RAM is 1gig, that might be problem, someone told me that

try to add some more to ur windows virtual memory (swamp file). first make usre u got a free space on ur system hdd, then go control panel / system / advanced / virtual memory and set it to 8gb or 12.

im not sure it helps, but sometimes such weird behaviour of entropia can be caused by lack of memory or free space on ur hdd, so windows cant work smoothly


New Member
Same as StefyLord :coffee:
I was travelling from Waterfall perimeter to Camp epsilon, if I remember.
I'm feel not alone...

Did MA support resolved your problem, please ?
Just to have hope...:rolleyes:
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

This is very strange, I'll check into this and see if I can re-create the issue.



New Member
This is very strange, I'll check into this and see if I can re-create the issue.

Will be nice to find the problem :(

MA suport deplaced my avatar yesterday, to ARC Hq, and I was abble to play again.

But today, was in process of tp, Center of Janus to Camp Zeta, when crash again, and can't login no more since, have a systematic error.
Precision : since first correct relog, playing in safe mode.

A new support case is sent, to deplace me one more time, but well...
I will need to leave this planet, the time problem find solution... with hope it's not on all planets erf :confused: but I don't think ; my friend play on Ark, and all is ok.

Edit : Launched a repair, by tool : 1 files

Repair done, file deleted : same prob.

Wait and see :oops:
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Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
i had this crash the other day, was tp'ing and it CTD, no matter what i couldn't log back in as it would just CTD again and agin. switching to 64bit fixed it for me

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

We're still looking into this issue but haven't found the cause just yet. I was able to reproduce this only on the 32 bit client and not the 64 bit client (on Windows 7 64).

When I have more info I'll post it here.



Active Member
I have crashed a few times also, froze up a few times, have bizarre graphic glitches where the terrain is shooting lines off in random directions almost to the point that I can't play. For me this is not just on Cyrene, these issues are happening everywhere in game. A lot of the time before the next VU problems arise. I am hoping this sort of thing just passes as MA works on their coding and the many bugs and glitches throughout the whole game.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
i had this
I have crashed a few times also, froze up a few times, have bizarre graphic glitches where the terrain is shooting lines off in random directions almost to the point that I can't play. For me this is not just on Cyrene, these issues are happening everywhere in game. A lot of the time before the next VU problems arise. I am hoping this sort of thing just passes as MA works on their coding and the many bugs and glitches throughout the whole game.

i had this line issue after upgrading my ati drivers, i rolled back and they went away....