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Chat Room

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
I don't think there is Ricardo, and whether there will be one or not will be for Lykke to respond to, or maybe one of the other Admins might know. I'm not sure at this point, and when they get back to the forum your question will definitely be answered one way or another. ;)

Ed Robles 3

Active Member
Will look into this today with Lykke Ricardo. Great speed paining btw. I showed Tum and he really enjoyed it as well. Please feel free to share more.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
A chat room (shoutbox) is now up running :)

You can either chat in it on top of the forums (nav tab forums).

Or you can open it in a full version through the navigation tab 'Shoutbox' - here you can also choose to have the chat running as a pop up window, so you can still surf the forum while chatting :D


Kick Ass Elf

A bunch of seasoned entropia vets (read noobs ;) - we all do ) have been hanging out at the irc chat above for years. It's irc so don't expect er.... "politeness" so grow a thick skin before going in and expect to be slapped with a trout.

Still, I tend to sit in there most days cause my job is very dull, as do several others. There's normally around 25 people logged in typically 4 or 5 actively chatting the majority of the time. There are also > 1k loot "global tracker" running in there so you get to see (and make silly comments about) all the people who are more lucky than the rest of us ;)

If you pop in be sure to wave me :clap:
