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Concern about EPIC missions post loot 2.0


MA write patch note just to say they put clothes on a random naked NPC, i think this mini patch of loot tweak / lazidol change does deserve a post. Help people see things are moving on cyrene! :)


The Lazidol part tt change is nice but useless to myself and others as we can't loot/create a Greater Power Crystal that is required to spawn the Lazidol, and it appears near impossible to loot one or both of the Lesser/Weakened Power Crystals to make a Greater Power Crystal.

This, after slogging through a long ("epic") mission chain. No parts looted. I even got a 696 ped Adult Merfolken (!) while doing the mission and nothing.

So I have completed both Zorra's epic mission and the Tanhok epic mission and

6700+ empis wasp
15600 imperium pilot (finished)
15600 imperium (finished)
25500 paneleon kill points (finished)
5200+ rhino beetles
14000+ scout bots
2200+ puny rhino beetles
1600+ mang chang
13000+ merfolken
thousands of nimets
lots of other stuff

I still haven't looted any crystal.

This seems... unfair?


Active Member
The Lazidol part tt change is nice but useless to myself and others as we can't loot/create a Greater Power Crystal that is required to spawn the Lazidol, and it appears near impossible to loot one or both of the Lesser/Weakened Power Crystals to make a Greater Power Crystal.

This, after slogging through a long ("epic") mission chain. No parts looted. I even got a 696 ped Adult Merfolken (!) while doing the mission and nothing.

So I have completed both Zorra's epic mission and the Tanhok epic mission and

6700+ empis wasp
15600 imperium pilot (finished)
15600 imperium (finished)
25500 paneleon kill points (finished)
5200+ rhino beetles
14000+ scout bots
2200+ puny rhino beetles
1600+ mang chang
13000+ merfolken
thousands of nimets
lots of other stuff

I still haven't looted any crystal.

This seems... unfair?

It not impossible you just need to grind , Zyn Doss drop Lesser and Merfk drop Weak. What you expect to get crystall after 1-2 week on cyrene , If evryone got crystall then gun whoud be worthless


It not impossible you just need to grind , Zyn Doss drop Lesser and Merfk drop Weak. What you expect to get crystall after 1-2 week on cyrene , If evryone got crystall then gun whoud be worthless

Oh, I have to grind, never thought of that... did you read my post?

Silly me I thought completing the "epic" mission would pretty much get the gun, not complete the mission then grind shit mobs for half a year.

Btw, according to EL zero people have looted lesser crystal, does it not get a rare loot global? 6 have looted weakened and 1 has looted greater.

So how did you become able to summon lazidol?


Well-Known Member
Btw, according to EL zero people have looted lesser crystal, does it not get a rare loot global? 6 have looted weakened and 1 has looted greater.

Back then (~3 years) there was no rare HOFs on Cyrene.
So those who looted crystals were not recorded by EL.


Active Member
Oh, I have to grind, never thought of that... did you read my post?

Silly me I thought completing the "epic" mission would pretty much get the gun, not complete the mission then grind shit mobs for half a year.

Btw, according to EL zero people have looted lesser crystal, does it not get a rare loot global? 6 have looted weakened and 1 has looted greater.

So how did you become able to summon lazidol?

I made crystall with friend this year , also info from tracker is bad becouse over 50% stuff is not picked on Cyrene .Rt. Toulan
As for gun with current drop rate of parts you will need at least 3 month to be on Cyrene to make gun,
Last edited:


I've hunted plenty on Cyrene. I'll be back when this situation becomes fair/viable.

Greater Power Crystalxxx redbaron xxxThu, 08 Feb 2018 15:53:24
Weakened Power Crystalapallo sincros neverweaveSun, 04 Feb 2018 09:50:34
Weakened Power CrystalMICKEY MIKE VIGNERONMon, 22 Jan 2018 16:55:11
Weakened Power Crystalmofo mo manglerSun, 26 Nov 2017 12:54:12
Weakened Power CrystalMy Nikki InsanityMon, 08 May 2017 20:56:55
Weakened Power CrystalPenethol Junkman BloodsteelThu, 29 Sep 2016 22:34:56
Weakened Power CrystalJock JB BondThu, 07 Apr 2016 05:07:49

These are rare loot hofs, they always show, it's not a tracker problem.


I've hunted plenty on Cyrene. I'll be back when this situation becomes fair/viable.

Greater Power Crystalxxx redbaron xxxThu, 08 Feb 2018 15:53:24
Weakened Power Crystalapallo sincros neverweaveSun, 04 Feb 2018 09:50:34
Weakened Power CrystalMICKEY MIKE VIGNERONMon, 22 Jan 2018 16:55:11
Weakened Power Crystalmofo mo manglerSun, 26 Nov 2017 12:54:12
Weakened Power CrystalMy Nikki InsanityMon, 08 May 2017 20:56:55
Weakened Power CrystalPenethol Junkman BloodsteelThu, 29 Sep 2016 22:34:56
Weakened Power CrystalJock JB BondThu, 07 Apr 2016 05:07:49

These are rare loot hofs, they always show, it's not a tracker problem.

The greater pwer crystal that is on your list was made from old looted materials. Just so u know it wasnt looted but instead refined.
I am stuck at the same situation tbh. Would love to get the crystal so i can make the lazidol lures. Have spent a lot of money by buying lures and renting crystal. Once i can try loot/buy reasonably priced crystal i would deffo spend more time hunting lazidol. Atm its just too expensive.
That said dont get me wrong. A lot was done for Lazidol And wasp queen summons. I am at maybe 30% through to have the mats for the fap (want it more than the lazidol gun) and got a part or two for the gun as well. Time out was removed and you can summon 3-4 beasts at same time which is really nice for a hunter wanting steady hunt and not waste any buffs. However i would also love to see summoner NPCs moved a little closer to the spawn and in queens case, out of the wasp herd that is surrounding the NPC.
