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Concern about EPIC missions post loot 2.0


Not really so.
All those amps and faps that are refined into parts for upgrade missions (A10x series, EMT kits); they need to be fully repaired before refining but that would be the least problem.
Also, there are repairable non-stackable animal parts that go into DNA refining recipes - Longu Plate, different skulls etc.

So krasko's suggestion might work.

Sorry i made mistake on what i typed there. What i meant is stackables can not be repaired not the other way round. You cant stack longu plates or argo skull. Faps need to be broken down but before that repaired. Once u refine the repaired fap you then get a set tt stackable item. So imo changing certain items from stackables to non-stackables might be a very extreme decision. Less extreme would be to change recipe from lets say - 1x lazidol brain that has 100ped tt to 20x lazidol brains that has 5ped tt each. And those who have these in inventory already will just have the number of items multiplied by 20 while tt stays the same.
How about that?

Whatever is the right fix, at least we know that it is direct relation between 2.0 mechanics and rare item tt value.
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As far as I know the 200PED crystal needed in Zorras Epic has not dropped in 3 years?
Making everyone doing that mission stuck at that point and unable to ever even get to Lazidol?

This just made me leave Cyrene for a while in frustration....

Make Cyrene great again :p


As far as I know the 200PED crystal needed in Zorras Epic has not dropped in 3 years?
Making everyone doing that mission stuck at that point and unable to ever even get to Lazidol?

This just made me leave Cyrene for a while in frustration....

Make Cyrene great again :p

Not true, you dont need crystal to summon Lazidol. Actually anyone can summon Lazidol, no matter if they have done the mission chain or not, if they have the crystal or not. All you need is a lure
Not true, you dont need crystal to summon Lazidol. Actually anyone can summon Lazidol, no matter if they have done the mission chain or not, if they have the crystal or not. All you need is a lure
....and how do you get the Lure? By combining the crystals ofc. And NOT letting the ingredients for that mission to drop in 3 Years is a effing disgrace. It lets a selected few totally control the market!

Whoever was lucky and looted those crystals years ago now gets several FREE Lures every day, and are free to set whatever price they want on it!

That is pure BS.
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Well-Known Member
This can help point us in the right direction, I'll make sure that MA knows how Tanhok Amber changed in a positive way and we can contrast and compare.

You can add Boffin Upgrade part to the demonstration. Before the last VU, there was 4 to 6 Boffin Upgrade part per week. Now you can find up to 4 Boffin Upgrade part per day :)

Thanks for all this post Kris.

Keep Going !


....and how do you get the Lure? By combining the crystals ofc. And NOT letting the ingredients for that mission to drop in 3 Years is a effing disgrace. It lets a selected few totally control the market!

Whoever was lucky and looted those crystals years ago now gets several FREE Lures every day, and are free to set whatever price they want on it!

That is pure BS.

I wish it would drop more ofc, 3 years since last one is crazy long, but i also respect this as real cash economy game and stuff like this is not only ok, but actually needs to happen. Rare or extremely rare items are exactly that. Whats the point if everyone can have a crystal and then everyone can have a zorra hk and achievements? Its like saying that mod faps should still drop in loot so everyone can have one. Dont get me wrong i am not against that the crystal should drop more often, i would love that, but i do liek that some stuff is rare and hard to come by.

Edit: I do not own a crystal
I wish it would drop more ofc, 3 years since last one is crazy long, but i also respect this as real cash economy game and stuff like this is not only ok, but actually needs to happen. Rare or extremely rare items are exactly that. Whats the point if everyone can have a crystal and then everyone can have a zorra hk and achievements? Its like saying that mod faps should still drop in loot so everyone can have one. Dont get me wrong i am not against that the crystal should drop more often, i would love that, but i do liek that some stuff is rare and hard to come by.

Edit: I do not own a crystal

There is one BIG difference: This is a part of a EPIC mission with loads of kills required, and the end is totally blown by a drop rate that imo has been bugged for years. Also the fact that the lures are not crafted like the old days of Dante AMPs, the lucky owners get several of them for free every day if they want to go collect them.
And it is not like you need to buy one lure. you probably need to buy hundreds, since you need to get 5 different rare loots with high TT from Lazidol (Where the droprates are also bugged since Loot2.0 as I understand it?)

I wasted ALLOT of PEDs hunting for this mission only to find the endgame was nearly impossible, and I could not find that information anywhere before I hit the brick wall.
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I sort of go into detail about the Greater Power Crystal in another thread here if you want to take a look.




Hey Kris, awesome update, thanks for listening to community. Splitting large tt rares into smaller ones worked like a charm. I killed some wasps today and managed to loot some of the rares. Also thank you for getting rid of timer on wasp. Now i can finally put a good run on those suckers reliably with no wait between spawns and no waste of consumable buffs. Overall great improvement. Lazidol still has timer unfortunately, hoping that its just a bug and colldown timer will be removed on that one too.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Soko,

Hey Kris, awesome update, thanks for listening to community. Splitting large tt rares into smaller ones worked like a charm. I killed some wasps today and managed to loot some of the rares. Also thank you for getting rid of timer on wasp. Now i can finally put a good run on those suckers reliably with no wait between spawns and no waste of consumable buffs. Overall great improvement.

I'm so happy that this has helped the items get out! Thank you for the feedback and kind words!

Lazidol still has timer unfortunately, hoping that its just a bug and colldown timer will be removed on that one too.

I'll look into this and see because this should have been adjusted the same as the Wasp Queen.

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Active Member
Good to see Wasp Queen parts drop, as for Lazidol done 59 kills since update no parts droped just globals with shrapnel and some oils,gone wait few more days and try again if no drop then it not working.
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey bella,

Good to see Wasp Queen parts drop, as for Lazidol done 59 kills since update no parts droped just globals with shrapnel and some oils,gone wait few more days and try again if no drop then it not working.

Thanks for the feedback on this, we're keeping a close eye on this.

Further changes might be necessary but we're talking to MA to confirm.



Active Member
Hey bella,

Thanks for the feedback on this, we're keeping a close eye on this.

Further changes might be necessary but we're talking to MA to confirm.


Yeep i done 22 more i think it need few more change and of course remove timer from npc


i saw cyrene update like very few MO, so my guess is no mini patch details, just some loot tweak, time to try to loot voucher ;) NI had aswell