Active Member
Please let me introduce myself first... my name is Alexandra, I'm a 16 years old girl from Romania and my biggest passions are mountain hikes, long distance runs, books, movies, chess, bridge, go and computer games.
I created my avatar on December 1st, 2015, on planet Arkadia, I try to be as self sufficient as possible and play the game somehow in a "single player mode"; also, I'm a depositor, but a really small one, trying to stick within a maximum budget of $10 per month.
I love Arkadia, but I still feel it's a bit too crowded for me, so after talking with a few friends from game, I thought about moving to Cyrene. But, before that, I would love to ask you a few questions.
1. Being a new player and on a limited budget, this means that I still heavy relay on sweat gathering; and since I love swunting, but hate sweating, I was wondering if there are any (easily) swuntable mobs on Cyrene (like we have caraboks or gallards on Arkadia)?
2. Another cool thing we had on Arkadia were these daily IFN missions, where we had to kill 100 mobs, and as reward we got some UA (which were valuing about 10%+ of the money spent killing said mobs), which kinda guaranteed, on average, break-even or even profitable runs. Is there anything similar on Cyrene (as in short / daily / repeatable missions, with material rewards which you can sell to cover your loses for said hunt)?
3. What other opportunities (if any) are on Cyrene for a (totally) new player?
Also... anything else you would add if you would be in the "Cyrene's recruitment team"... any specific reasons that make Cyrene the best planet in the universe?
Thank you in advance for your answers and looking forward to meet you all.
Please let me introduce myself first... my name is Alexandra, I'm a 16 years old girl from Romania and my biggest passions are mountain hikes, long distance runs, books, movies, chess, bridge, go and computer games.
I created my avatar on December 1st, 2015, on planet Arkadia, I try to be as self sufficient as possible and play the game somehow in a "single player mode"; also, I'm a depositor, but a really small one, trying to stick within a maximum budget of $10 per month.
I love Arkadia, but I still feel it's a bit too crowded for me, so after talking with a few friends from game, I thought about moving to Cyrene. But, before that, I would love to ask you a few questions.
1. Being a new player and on a limited budget, this means that I still heavy relay on sweat gathering; and since I love swunting, but hate sweating, I was wondering if there are any (easily) swuntable mobs on Cyrene (like we have caraboks or gallards on Arkadia)?
2. Another cool thing we had on Arkadia were these daily IFN missions, where we had to kill 100 mobs, and as reward we got some UA (which were valuing about 10%+ of the money spent killing said mobs), which kinda guaranteed, on average, break-even or even profitable runs. Is there anything similar on Cyrene (as in short / daily / repeatable missions, with material rewards which you can sell to cover your loses for said hunt)?
3. What other opportunities (if any) are on Cyrene for a (totally) new player?
Also... anything else you would add if you would be in the "Cyrene's recruitment team"... any specific reasons that make Cyrene the best planet in the universe?
Thank you in advance for your answers and looking forward to meet you all.
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