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Consider moving to Cyrene, but have a few questions


Active Member
Hyellow! :)

Please let me introduce myself first... my name is Alexandra, I'm a 16 years old girl from Romania and my biggest passions are mountain hikes, long distance runs, books, movies, chess, bridge, go and computer games.

I created my avatar on December 1st, 2015, on planet Arkadia, I try to be as self sufficient as possible and play the game somehow in a "single player mode"; also, I'm a depositor, but a really small one, trying to stick within a maximum budget of $10 per month.

I love Arkadia, but I still feel it's a bit too crowded for me, so after talking with a few friends from game, I thought about moving to Cyrene. But, before that, I would love to ask you a few questions.

1. Being a new player and on a limited budget, this means that I still heavy relay on sweat gathering; and since I love swunting, but hate sweating, I was wondering if there are any (easily) swuntable mobs on Cyrene (like we have caraboks or gallards on Arkadia)?

2. Another cool thing we had on Arkadia were these daily IFN missions, where we had to kill 100 mobs, and as reward we got some UA (which were valuing about 10%+ of the money spent killing said mobs), which kinda guaranteed, on average, break-even or even profitable runs. Is there anything similar on Cyrene (as in short / daily / repeatable missions, with material rewards which you can sell to cover your loses for said hunt)?

3. What other opportunities (if any) are on Cyrene for a (totally) new player? :)

Also... anything else you would add if you would be in the "Cyrene's recruitment team"... any specific reasons that make Cyrene the best planet in the universe? :)

Thank you in advance for your answers and looking forward to meet you all. :)

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1. L3 weak paneleon (80 HP, 4 dmg) - good for a team of two, the most popular atm; other options include pleak, puny crystal pede, recently hatched empi.
2. There are repeatable missions that reward Cyrene mission token, the rewards don't come to close to 10% even with MU though.
3. Cyrene mission tokens, again (material exchange missions this time); picking Reward Token (Lime Green) in The Hub.


Active Member
Welcome Lovefall! Welcome to the Cyrene forum! I know many have told you this but it's really not a good idea to re-create ava in this game since you skill levels are reset and you need to spend extra money to get back to the level you had your last ava at. Hope all works out this time around.


Active Member
Welcome Lovefall! Welcome to the Cyrene forum! I know many have told you this but it's really not a good idea to re-create ava in this game since you skill levels are reset and you need to spend extra money to get back to the level you had your last ava at. Hope all works out this time around.

Thank you! :)

And yeah, I was told more than once, and I totally agree with the reasons. :)

Just that my OCD didn't agrees with it, and after quitting/taking that break, I just *couldn't* reconnect with my old avatar and I *had* to start over...

I don't claim is wise or so, but is the only way that works for me. But yeah, hope this time it will work out better and I'll stick around longer / for ever. :)

Gisela Dawes

Active Member
Hi; Alexandra. Welcome to Cyrene forum.
to answer some of your questions:
1) As Haruto said, the most popular sweating mob are the weak paneleons. But they do have 80hp, so they dont quite compare to caraboks. Pleaks are the most similar hp wise, but have no mission to them and dont give as much skills. Arrets could be good, but they hit harder than caraboks. Worth giving a try tough. You can also try the weak dire weds on Atlas hunting grounds. Those count for the "Ultimate noob challenge".

2) We dont have any mission like "oratan payback" on Cyrene. Bt we do have an insane amount of daily missions and you ll find some of our puny mobs drop items with very interesting mu. I suggest you try the daily ARC faction mission for scout bot xt collectors to star with.

3) Both suggestions from Haruto are very good. I ll add that if you like working as a healer, you might be able to find a decent amount of work on Cyrene. You ll also find that the price of sweat is higher than on arkadia, which will help your economy if you dont deposit much.

If you any other questions, feel free to add me ingame.

Hope to see you around soon.


Cyrene is the best planet in terms of almost everything. Well organized mob areas, no mob mixes, lots of dailies, easy to do crafting dailies. Only downside of cyrene are:
-lack of better market
-things take too long to get fixes / responses

I spent 4 months on Cyrene, to keep going I had to fly once a week to put my crafting stuff on Caly's AU because local buyers weren't interested.


Active Member
Hi Alexandra,

welcome! With a list of hobbies as strong as yours, I'm really not sure what to recommend within EU. Cyrene is a possible choice for "single-player mode", yes. I did A LOT of sweating when I was new, but it really doesn't pay much back any more, although there is a daily mission which takes sweat in return for badges.
There are other daily missions which pay you skills, but not as useful for beginners as the payback missions on Ark.

Your English is also really good for your age, so unless you are looking for a place to escape to and do small repetitive tasks as a way to relax for maybe an hour a day or so, then I'd suggest you are much too skilled to become an outcast on a small world in a small virtual universe!

I wish you all the best, and good luck!


Active Member
Your English is also really good for your age, so unless you are looking for a place to escape to and do small repetitive tasks as a way to relax for maybe an hour a day or so, then I'd suggest you are much too skilled to become an outcast on a small world in a small virtual universe!

Thank you for your nice words, but thing is I actually enjoy the prospect of becoming "an outcast on a small world in a small virtual universe". :)

And EU (at least the way I play it) has one big advantage over most any other games out there - it doesn't requires my full attentions, so I can play it while doing other things; for example, while doing my swunting I can still do my daily bodyweight exercises (and switching mobs in breaks between series/exercises) or doing the cleaning around the house, doing homeworks, reading, etc. :)
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New Member
3. What other opportunities (if any) are on Cyrene for a (totally) new player? :)

Hi DaughterOfAnarchy/Lovefall/Kidoo...

Welcome to Cyrene. Plenty of opportunities on Cyrene, like the ones you had on Arkadia since March or so, except the AUD webshop for PED deal as Cyrene does not have deeds.

The investor for an apartment thing, will be harder to find as I think (I might be mistaken) Cyrene does not have apartments yet.


I bet a little enterprising lady as yourself will have fun, I know I will! All below should still work on Cyrene:




Merry Christmas everyone!