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Cyreans society 1 year anniversary event, April 2nd


Active Member

Hi guys, I am proud to announce that the cyrene society, Cyreans, have survived its first year in entropia universe. On this occation we want to celebrate with hosting a fun event on cyrene for the soc together with all our friends. So if you feel like getting to know us a little better or just say hello, this would be a great occation for it.

Event starts saturday April 2nd at 1900 MA-time,
and will last until 2200 MA-time

Dj Izz will broadcast the event on Atlas heaven radio

We will meet at supply depot 1900 MA-time to say hello to eachother.
Here we will do totem-mobs and maybe some water arena pvp.

Then we will do wave event to kill the Duke at high desert teleporter.

While doing event, there will be someone rigging up for the afterparty at our Super Secret Special Soc Station, and everyone who would like to join is invited.
Location will be given at the end of wave event ;)

After the wave event we will head there for some fun :)

Here there will be some promotions, pets, fashion, and plenty of great personalities
Only requirement is to have a good time and let others have fun too ;)

If ppl would like to hunt more, this is a good opportunity to find a new friend and get to know eachother in a teamhunt, then return to party for some ATH bragging :) Let us know your teamname and there might even be a reward for the highest global ;)

So put on your best Cyrene fashion and head to supply depot for some fun...

Have fun guys and party together with us

best regards


Well-Known Member
Oh has it been a year already, congratz!
I'll be sure to turn up at the start of the event and join for a bit :)


This event looks amazing, it would only be fair if there's a lot of ATH-bragging on the afterparty! :dancinggirls:


Well-Known Member
That was a great event :cheer:

Thanks to all participant, i never saw alot pple in same time in Cyrene :D
Thanks to Krys and Lilmc for all shared loot mob and for you question with reward in Cyrene chat :loveshower:

Alot pple liked this event, and i received alot PM for more information about these mob. Alot pple never saw them.
I hope you got fun too, let us to know your feedback :dancinggirls:


New Member
I had a great time! I'm anxious to see the details of the great item (wink, wink) to be made with the Queen Wasp parts.

I would make one change: new location, preferably with a closer revive, but more importantly a big open field -- somewhere we won't have the UNREACHABLE problem caused by the narrow entrance. And preset to prevent vehicles within the spawn radius ;)

Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
I would make one change: new location, preferably with a closer revive, but more importantly a big open field -- somewhere we won't have the UNREACHABLE problem caused by the narrow entrance. And preset to prevent vehicles within the spawn radius ;)

Me and Kris noticed that with the event that occurs and already discussed a few ideas that we have that should improve the overall enjoyment of the summon ring.


Active Member
Was alot of fun and I am sure all participants had a great time with those big mobs, I sure did :)

Thanks all who came and special thanks to Kris and Lilmc, you guys are fantastic.

Enjoy life on Cyrene and see you all next year with more surprises and enjoyable moments.
