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Official Cyrene Event Cyrene Booth Event - Rare Loot Raffle

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I wanted to announce the Cyren Booth Event - Rare Loot Raffle! This event will be a Cyrene rare loot event with the help of EntropiaLife.com, a big thanks to them.

We have the 1st estates on Planet Cyrene, the booths at Supply Depot 0x101, which will be raffled off at the end of this event. The way to earn an entry into the raffle is to loot a rare Cyrene loot and have it show up on the Entropia Life Rare Loot tracker (http://www.entropialife.com/rareloot.aspx). Please keep in mind that only *CYRENE DROPPED LOOT* will count for this event, no crafted or turn in items will count for an entry.

The booth area will be finalized and updated in the next PP VU, but here’s a screenshot showing what the prize will be:

new booths 1.png

new booths 2.png


Players can loot as many rare items as they want during this time, each loot is one entry, and each player can enter as many times as they like, however they can only win once. The raffle will happen the week after the event (August 15th, 2021 to August 22nd, 2021) to give us time to count and organize all the participants' info in a spreadsheet.

There will be a total of 5 booths to be won in this raffle, and one booth reserved for us to award to a player.

We’d like to encourage everyone who wants to participate in the event to please run the Entropia Tracker (http://www.entropialife.com/Software.aspx) to help verify all entries, as the loot MUST show on http://www.entropialife.com/rareloot.aspx to count.

Here’s the breakdown version of the event info:

Cyrene Booth Event - Rare Loot Raffle

STARTS: August 1st 2021 00:00:01 Server Time

ENDS: August 14th 2021 23:59:59 Server Time

HOW TO ENTER: Loot a rare hunting Cyrene loot that is tracked on EntropiaLife.com (http://www.entropialife.com/rareloot.aspx)

NOTE: Once you loot a rare item, it should be stored in a container. The reason for this is so that it will show up on the rare loot page, should you obtain the same rare as before.


  • Each rare hunting loot equals one entry into the raffle

  • Only loot from Cyrene creatures counts (no crafted or quest items)

  • The loot must be tracked/shown on (http://www.entropialife.com/rareloot.aspx)

  • There are no limits to how many entries a player can have

  • Any player may only win once

  • No teams

RAFFLE: The raffle will take place the week following the event. There are 5 booths to win, and one booth reserved for us to award to a player.

I’d like to wish all players who want to participate good luck!


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Cyrene Crusader
Great event! I have some advice for my fellow Cyreneans to even the playing field:

1. This will be a Flesh event. Flesh - aka Duster bacon - drops very frequently, and show up as Rare loot. The majority of raffle tickets will be won by Flesh is my prediction. Aquatic gland from Skreel also drop often, but Skreel is hard to kill solo for low/medium level players without big FAP.

2. Whenever you loot Rare loot, I was told to put it in a container! If not, the next rare loot you get will NOT show up as Rare loot! (Either that, or you can relog after every Rare loot drop lol)

3. Screenshot your Rare loot, with ingame timestamp and coords shown in system window (chat). I don't trust EntropiaLife too much on this matter, even with tracker running.

To Kris: To mitigate the Flesh grinder camping, maybe give bonus raffle tickets for each Rare loot item after the first? E.g. if I only loot Flesh = no bonus. If I loot Flesh and Aquatic gland (regardless of amount) = +2 tickets, If I also loot Lesser Crystal = +5 tickets and so on. This will also make it more fun and less grindy!

Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member

Just wondering, but for our rare loot to show up using EntropiaLife, there needs to be a certain # of users using the entropialife tracker on Cyrene. Is this really fair to require this to show up on EntropiaTracker? Currently, EL is showing zero users on Cyrene. I'm on Cyrene, using El tracker and am not showing up, so I hope you can see that this isn't the best authorization for our rare items as indicators.



Lifetime Platinum Elite Member

Just wondering, but for our rare loot to show up using EntropiaLife, there needs to be a certain # of users using the entropialife tracker on Cyrene. Is this really fair to require this to show up on EntropiaTracker? Currently, EL is showing zero users on Cyrene. I'm on Cyrene, using El tracker and am not showing up, so I hope you can see that this isn't the best authorization for our rare items as indicators.

In order to prevent cheating a number of EL clients need to be running on a certain planet. HOFs and rare loot are shown universe-wide in EU, though, so trackers elsewhere do count as well in this case and they will show up.

EDIT: That's at least how it used to work in the past.
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Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
In order to prevent cheating a number of EL clients need to be running on a certain planet. HOFs and rare loot are shown universe-wide in EU, though, so trackers elsewhere do count as well in this case and they will show up.

EDIT: That's at least how it used to work in the past.

no, they don't work if the EL trackers are not on Cyrene. Look at the globals you received while on Cyrene. I received 2 globals tonight while hunting on Cyrene, but they are not listed on my EL profile. There are not enough players running EntropiaLife tracking software on Cyrene.


Fate Thanatos Themis
In order to prevent cheating a number of EL clients need to be running on a certain planet. HOFs and rare loot are shown universe-wide in EU, though, so trackers elsewhere do count as well in this case and they will show up.

EDIT: That's at least how it used to work in the past.

this is how it works, afaik :thumbup:
Are there any lower mobs, maybe max of 300ish hp that are good for rare item dorps? Been searching the rare loot table and trying to find some but to no avail so far.


Fate Thanatos Themis
duster scapegoat is 80 hp mob, im not sure it drops flesh though, but who knows. Anyone tested those?


Active Member
Excellent initiative this event,

Something crossed my mind while i was reading today the event rules and info:

What if the counter will record, based on the number of rare items, the total tt aswell? Dont get me wrong here, i m saying this because of the previous mentions some of players said it already. Ofc are some pros and cons here, and i try to add them up.

- While the number will get a flood of rare 13 pec flesh, and idk aquatics/pure body a high dps grinder could get in front of anyone and simply be a gift from the start for some, ( like me ).
- The possibility for a mid player to get a chance is decent.
- If the tt is counted as primary in selecting the chart, some low-mid players get a huge chance to win because some rare items that can be looted have a pretty decent tt.

- Is impossible to beat the dps some of the new toys have, and i bet the spawns will never be enough. Expect to be crowded and intense.
- some rare drops are stacked from the start, like queens/lazidol parts, can be 25 ped rare but is one item, one position

I have a list of items that nobs can loot in a decent effort:

Xent tech riffle X2 - max tt 120 ped young-mature paneleon
Xent tech riffle X3 - max tt 130 ped old paneleon

lesser crystal - 20 ped tt Zin creature
weakened crystal - 10 ped tt Zin creature

queen parts - 12.5 ped tt ( team )
lazidol parts - 10 ped tt ( team )

tanhook amber - 5 ped tt pretty much any mob on Cyrene

renegade upgrade components - 1 ped tt - diff creatures from low maturity to high maturity

flesh and bollocks - 13+ pec - dusters skreel and such
( some items i might forgot, feel free to share what other items might me outhere and didn't mention them )

Having a tt counter will push ppl to a strategic hunt, cause if a player gets a riffle of 100 ped another one will have to compensate 770 drops of flesh to beat that sum, or get his a$$ up to find some lesser crystals or maybe another riffle, or he has to go to hunt some queens for rare parts, becoming a dynamic aproach.

just saying, i m fine to grind for flesh :))

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I wanted to let everyone know that after some final internal testing with the functionality of the booths, we had to adjust the item points around to make sure everything will work correctly for the shop owners.

This means that the total item cap will be 70, not 75, which is the cap for booths as there is no real "indoor" area and pushed to the item points in additional area. Here's the stats that the booths will have:




Active Member
Hey guys,

I wanted to let everyone know that after some final internal testing with the functionality of the booths, we had to adjust the item points around to make sure everything will work correctly for the shop owners.

This means that the total item cap will be 70, not 75, which is the cap for booths as there is no real "indoor" area and pushed to the item points in additional area. Here's the stats that the booths will have:

View attachment 3471


Wasn't it 85? (75+10)

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Spawn,

Wasn't it 85? (75+10)

The problem is that since there's no "indoor" area for the booths, the 75 was unable to be used/counted in the item placement and couldn't be counted. Which is why it was shifted to the additional area.

I like to think it of more like 70 (10 + 60) of useable space.
