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Official Cyrene Event Cyrene Booth Event - Rare Loot Raffle


Cyrene Crusader
Excellent initiative this event,

Something crossed my mind while i was reading today the event rules and info:

What if the counter will record, based on the number of rare items, the total tt aswell? Dont get me wrong here, i m saying this because of the previous mentions some of players said it already. Ofc are some pros and cons here, and i try to add them up.

- While the number will get a flood of rare 13 pec flesh, and idk aquatics/pure body a high dps grinder could get in front of anyone and simply be a gift from the start for some, ( like me ).
- The possibility for a mid player to get a chance is decent.
- If the tt is counted as primary in selecting the chart, some low-mid players get a huge chance to win because some rare items that can be looted have a pretty decent tt.

- Is impossible to beat the dps some of the new toys have, and i bet the spawns will never be enough. Expect to be crowded and intense.
- some rare drops are stacked from the start, like queens/lazidol parts, can be 25 ped rare but is one item, one position

I have a list of items that nobs can loot in a decent effort:

Xent tech riffle X2 - max tt 120 ped young-mature paneleon
Xent tech riffle X3 - max tt 130 ped old paneleon

lesser crystal - 20 ped tt Zin creature
weakened crystal - 10 ped tt Zin creature

queen parts - 12.5 ped tt ( team )
lazidol parts - 10 ped tt ( team )

tanhook amber - 5 ped tt pretty much any mob on Cyrene

renegade upgrade components - 1 ped tt - diff creatures from low maturity to high maturity

flesh and bollocks - 13+ pec - dusters skreel and such
( some items i might forgot, feel free to share what other items might me outhere and didn't mention them )

Having a tt counter will push ppl to a strategic hunt, cause if a player gets a riffle of 100 ped another one will have to compensate 770 drops of flesh to beat that sum, or get his a$$ up to find some lesser crystals or maybe another riffle, or he has to go to hunt some queens for rare parts, becoming a dynamic aproach.

just saying, i m fine to grind for flesh :))

Good idea with the tt of rare loot being counted in, BUT the rules should have been set before the event, not changed during event. Also, Lazidol parts drop fairly often, so they'd count for 80 Flesh each (80 Flesh takes several days of hard grinding). I am more in favour of adding bonus raffle tickets to those that loot several types of rare loot:
Only 1 type of rare loot = no bonus
2 type of rare loot = 2 bonus tickets
3 type of rare loot = 5 bonus tickets
4 type of rare loot = 8 bonus tickets
5 type of rare loot = 12 bonus tickets
6 type of rare loot = 16 bonus tickets
7 type of rare loot = 20 bonus tickets
8 type of rare loot = 25 bonus tickets

It doesn't mess up the event, but still adds some bonus for those who like to shoot different stuff, not just grind one mob for 14 days.
Wasn't it 85? (75+10)
it was but, MA seems to have a hard coded cap I guess on booths which is why i believe Kris is explaining why 70 is what they can give out that will actually work for the owners at least in this case its only 15ip lost from what was promoted. in NI You paid for booths listed as 100ip and only could use 70ip and well thats a long story of of bad stuff not for forums lol

Maybe since it was advertised as an addt. 15ip Cyrene would give something special for the winners of the booths for the loss of the 15ip which NI hasnt and doesnt seem to care to do but, maybe Cyrene is different I hope the winners the best of luck with all this :p btw any owner interested in selling send me a PM with price @ Ace FirstFist Williams


Active Member
Maybe since it was advertised as an addt. 15ip Cyrene would give something special for the winners of the booths for the loss of the 15ip
a couple of shopkeepers per winner would probably work. I think they give you 14 ip gain. They give 20 but use 6 or so if I remember correctly. 1 sk would get you to 84 (70+14). Two would put it more at the number of item points originally announced and give several to spare to make up for the modification.


Active Member
great event,

good luck everyone who worked out, who fought, to be part to this raffle, and i have to admit it was a good way to make tickets after all,

hope more events like this will take place on Cyrene.

gj everyone, cya on the board ( i hope :p )
thinking about this a bit...
Raffle - Wikipedia
A raffle is a gambling competition
Entropia Universe - eula.xml
  1. Gambling activities are expressly forbidden in the Entropia Universe.
I think in all technicalities any event where you have decay to win a prize in EU could be classified as "gambling activities".

Like the whole goldgrinder events with LA's in Caly >< the highest globals win prizes, or most globals etc. theyre all very similar.

I think what would separate them from "gambling" is they didnt allow the purchase with PED raffle tickets. so, you could say buy a raffle ticket for 10ped or w/e I think at least imo that would be the "gambling" MA would be against. I guess its open to interpretation. I'd assume Cyrene talked with MA prior to doing this event to verify ToS though.
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Well-Known Member
thinking about this a bit...
Raffle - Wikipedia
A raffle is a gambling competition
Entropia Universe - eula.xml
  1. Gambling activities are expressly forbidden in the Entropia Universe.

You are annoying.
Take a weapon and go shoot or go to do some mining or i don't know but spend more time and more money in game. Stop send a post all time on forum your "suggestions".
You spend your time in every EU forum but you don't play lol, you didn't participate to this event etc etc...

Your posts are useless !

MA do gambling events all over the years with mayhem. Since mayhems are based on luck this is a gambling events too. Well, let us happy with this event please.