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Cyrene Citizen of the Month - August 2012

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Each month we will nominate a 'Cyrene Citizen of the Month', to show our appreciation to those who are doing something extra on Cyrene.

The title and prize for August 2012 goes to:

- who has been nominated for his dedication to Planet Cyrene, his help with MindStar Radio promoting our planet in a special way, for some awesome videos and pictures and for his love and support to the community and Planet Cyrene.
2) For how long have you been playing Entropia?
Syer has been playing Entropia Universe since 8th of October 2010. He calls himself a 'puppy in this universe' :D
Syer has been on Planet Cyrene since the 1st of May 2012. "I have spent most of my time on Cyrene but only did the occasional travel to other planets to obtain some weapons and materials to supplement the planet economy," he explains.​
A big congratulation to Syer :)
We met up at the Center of Janus, were Syer was handed out the prize,
a Lancer v1 (L).
I asked Syer, what his most enjoyable moments on Cyrene have been?
"Well, the most enjoyable time on the planet has been everyday. The planet is so beautiful and above all, it holds a mystery. Something secret is beneath the very foundation of the planet. Like some hidden spiritual path. Forgive me, but I live in every story I read, play and take part in. Cyrene is a magical and mysterious planet to me - It feels like there is something that is hidden behind the veil and all we have to do is just take a peek behind it to see the whole new universe open to us".​
Watching Syers awesome videos clearly shows that he indeed loves everything which is mysterious and magical, as he manages to add this to his own work as well.
Syer, what do you like most about Planet Cyrene?
"What do I like you ask? Well, EVERYTHING!!! It is fresh, it is new, it is built on fresh mana. I have never had a dull moment on Cyrene. There is always something to do even if it is not released in full. I find it most important that people should understand that this planet is not in its full glory yet. It is said that we have been only given a taste of what is in store. Well, my hunger for the story to continue is driving me into a frenzy. I want to see what is the background of all the characters that I have been introduced to. Who are the SoR (Sons of Remus) and what is their true goal? How did the Duster Gang come to be rogues in the desert? Why do the Turrelions wear armor that looks like bandages, as if they are trying to hide something... OMG!!! I can't take it anymore - I want STORYLINE!!! I want Missions!!! =)"​
Anything you find could be changed?
"As I have been in the universe for some time, I have seen what has come and what has been taken out. What bugs have been born and which ones have been squashed. I, coming from a background of development know that when you create something and release it, it is never truly what you intended. Cyrene has its own special functions. It is a unique planet with new features for PVP. We need to get more activity to The Hub. As it has been written about before, Cyrene is created for a new player experience but I must stress, that even if the new players come in, the old will always be there. Give something for them to work with. We need a reward like a trophy or certificate that can showcased to others for their awesome accomplishments. Keep the story coming.​
Always give new hints of future plans. I have been taught a very important lesson in life that if you keep the communication channels open, you will reap an even better reward of interactivity. Cyrene is a gem of its own, there is nothing that can be compared to it. Cyrene just needs one massive thing. We need to work together as members of the community to get new colonists to the planet. We need a tool to promote the planet and get new people to come here so that we can progress and evolve to the level of environment that is conducive to growth. It works better as an effective partnership toward building the economy".​
And he continues...
"I really just wanted to play a game that had some new challenges to it. I was intrigued by the (Real Cash Economy) RCE factor, and when I first landed, I found it most interesting to find myself in a universe where your virtual objects actually had a real life value to it. Since arriving in Entropia, I truly have spent most of my time trying to learn and help organize events, and took the community-building to heart.​
You see, I believe that Entropia would be worth nothing if the people in it didn't make it what it is today. It is extremely important to keep the community happy. Share your thoughts, give ideas, interact, change the way the game is played. I dedicated myself to the community to make the game even more interesting, and I will always stand for what the people want to do for entertainment.​
I thank everyone who voted for me and a personal message to the team at Cyrene. You guys work hard to manifest your dreams into the game and share it with us. You hardly get recognition on the forums or in the game, but allow me to be one of the first to say - you are doing one hell of a great job. You will reap the benefits of this dream and I am just so honoured to be able to share it with all of you. So thank you soooooooo much for everything. I know you will reveal the big picture as soon you promised you would, but know one thing - I will be here, waiting, watching and ever faithful".​
... and thank you back to Syer for doing an awesome job being a part of our community and for supporting Planet Cyrene. No doubt we are all intrigued by his art and work!
One thing Syer is also known for in game is to place his vehicles on weird places! And of course this had to be tested on one of the fountains in the Center of Janus ... at first he wasn't that lucky though ...

But at the end he finally managed to conquer the top of the 'throne' before he heads out on new mysterious adventures on Planet Cyrene =)

How to become Cyrene Citizen of the Month
This title will be given to a dedicated player on Cyrene, who is doing something out of the usual to make the planet a nice place to be for newcomers, creating some great events for other players, providing the Cyrene Team with valuable information about the planet or/and suggestions of how to improve Cyrene etc.
It could be something completely different, of course, as long as it is a positive approach to improve other players experiences on Planet Cyrene.
The Cyrene Team will make the nomination for the Cyrene Citizen of the Month, but you are always welcome to write me if you have suggestions, with a name of the person and the reason for why you believe this person deserves to be nominated.
Thank you =)


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DigiDime Founder
As we are coming to the end of the month - I just want to send out my thanks to all those who have forwarded their messages - It is most appreciated and above all, I am most honored.

Thanks to the Cyrene Team and to those who voted me in. May your days be filled with HoF's and ATH's.

See you all in the universe - ;)