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Cyrene Citizen of the Month - December 2012

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Each month we are nominating a 'Cyrene Citizen of the Month', to show our appreciation to those who are doing something extra on Cyrene.

The title and prize for December 2012 goes to:

- who has been nominated for her dedication to Planet Cyrene and the community. People say that "she" has countless times helped others with missions, exploring, and hunting wildlife on Cyrene. And that "she" is a valued asset for Cyrene, the forums, and guidance in game".

We met at Janus, were Thanatos was handed out the prize,
a Lancer v1 (L).

When we met in Janus I asked Thanatos to show me the new shopping booths, as I didn't yet had a chance to see them. "She" told me they are 'heavily' nice! And no doubt a booth is high on the list of x-mas wishes this year, but I had to tell "her", that I could only hand "her" over a Lancer ...

"I can see how nice a shopping booth would fit you, Thanatos ;-) "
"... But take this Lancer instead =)"
Thanatos' experiences with the Entropia Universe started at VU 4.1. I - in 2003, "she" recalls, and "she" joined Cyrene Forum in July 2012.

"I was playing on my previous avatar, Miles Thanatos Teg at that time, but at some point I decided to sell out skills and items thinking I will never come back. All because a lack of time. Well as you can see I was wrong. I created this avatar 2-3 years ago, because the original one was purged due to inactivity and I couldn't get him back :cry_2:"

What are your most enjoyable moments on Planet Cyrene?" I asked Thanatos.

" This one - I'm proud to become The Citizen of The Month :)"


"What do you like most about Planet Cyrene?" was my next question.

"There are some reasons that makes me stay. Small community of nice people , that reminds me a bit of the good old times. Many new items to discover or tasks to achieve. Well designed planet with cool mobs and many quests. But most of all it's the feeling that the best of Cyrene is still yet to come, and we are all creating Cyrene's history."

"Never had it upside down before...!"

"What could be changed?"
"I'd rather say, that I see many things that could be developed or added, but well... we are under developing here :) It's good to see that the community can take part of picking what direction the planet is going".
I jumped into my 'copter' but on my way "she" stopped me and said;​
"I'd like to thank all the people who are working hard here since the beginning to discover and make this planet alive. This pays off, because things here are getting better and better after every update".
We would like to thank you back, Thanatos, for being a part of our community and such a good help and great friend of Cyrene!
"YAY - victory :clap: "

How to become Cyrene Citizen of the Month
This title will be given to a dedicated player on Cyrene, who is doing something out of the usual to make the planet a nice place to be for newcomers, creating some great events for other players, providing the Cyrene Team with valuable information about the planet or/and suggestions of how to improve Cyrene etc.
It could be something completely different, of course, as long as it is a positive approach to improve other players experiences on Planet Cyrene.
The Cyrene Team will make the nomination for the Cyrene Citizen of the Month, but you are always welcome to write me if you have suggestions, with a name of the person and the reason for why you believe this person deserves to be nominated.
Thank you =)


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Well-Known Member
congrats thanatos ;)

well deserved if for just putting up with me as you disciple :D

really helped me out with alot of things related to entropia wouldnt have made it this far with out your advice.