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Cyrene Citizen of the Month - January 2013

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Each month we are nominating a 'Cyrene Citizen of the Month', to show our appreciation to those who are doing something extra on Cyrene.

The title and prize for this years first Cyrene Citizen, January 2013 goes to:
"Proxy has been on Planet Cyrene for a good while and been killing crystal pedes with a certain dedication, hardly seen before. Proxy is gentle with newbies and first timers on Cyrene. He is very helpful locating points of interest, creatures and other locations. And one hell of a PVPer in the Hub ..."
We met non at the Hunting Grounds, were he was handed out the prize,​
a DragonFly Helicopter (L):​

Non was running around with some friends, and I have to admit I was a bit surprised when I saw him only wearing shorts and boots :openmouth: ! The boots were a pair he got from his only HoF, he told me. So obviously they where giving him some luck ;)

"Clothes doesn't make you look cool ... you make you look cool!"

Non has been playing for around 7 months, great months even, and tells me and adds "Time flies, when you're having fun," with a smile.


"Originally my avatar was created on Arkadia, but I have spent half my EU life on Planet cyrene," he continues, "and for the last 4 months I have not left Cyrene for more than a day at a time because I always wanted to go back as soon as I could."

"Hey, where are you going?"

What are your most enjoyable moments on Planet Cyrene?" I asked non.

"I can truly say that no moment is better than the next. For me it is the gradual advancement of my skills on Cyrene which is the most enjoyable thing. Like moving on from scout bot collectors to 200's then on to 100's. Moving from primes to poisons and finally on to ravenous swamp lurkers. It's very exciting to experience how Cyrene is opening up to me as I grow."


"... I suddenly have a bad feeling about this ..."

"What do you like most about Planet Cyrene?" is my next question.

":D Well the easy answer is that I like Cyrene the most ;)Being a pioneer on such an exciting planet is something that I really enjoy. When someone lands on Cyrene for the first time and I can show them some of my favourite places, and find out that they also like it is very rewarding to me. The best is when I weeks later see they are still exploring."


"It's not nice landing on people's heads ... that's why they removed the jumping on people's heads feature long time ago :D"

"What could be changed?"

"Really, there is nothing I would change about Cyrene. It's a great planet that is off to a very good start. There are bugs that I would like to see fixed, such as with the spears flipping and taking damage all the time. But I know that is something that will happen in time."

"But I have to say the DragonFly suits you, non =)"

Trying to land on my head resulted in me being half inside the helicopter, and I asked non if that meant he had something else to add ...

"LOL, well..." he laughed, " I could ramble for great lengths of time about alot of things :D. But I would really like to say thank you to the Cyrene staff for going with a soft launch, and letting us pioneers forge a place of our own here on Cyrene. I for one have found every moment of my struggles enjoyable."

Thank you back, non, for being a part of our awesome community and for helping making it even better :thumbup: Best of luck in future from the whole Planet Cyrene team!



How to become Cyrene Citizen of the Month

This title will be given to a dedicated player on Cyrene, who is doing something out of the usual to make the planet a nice place to be for newcomers, creating some great events for other players, providing the Cyrene Team with valuable information about the planet or/and suggestions of how to improve Cyrene etc.

It could be something completely different, of course, as long as it is a positive approach to improve other players experiences on Planet Cyrene.

The Cyrene Team will make the nomination for the Cyrene Citizen of the Month, but you are always welcome to write me if you have suggestions, with a name of the person and the reason for why you believe this person deserves to be nominated.

Thank you =)


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Big gz! Just before reading this I shared a tidbit of info on Cyrene, well what little I picked up on my first visit and yeah I enjoyed being able to give some pointers myself! Looking forward to meeting you in game some time!