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Cyrene Citizen of the Month - July 2012

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
From this month and going forward we will nominate a 'Cyrene Citizen of the Month', to show our appreciation to those who are doing something extra on Cyrene.

The first prize and title for July 2012 goes to:

- who has been nominated for his dedication to Planet Cyrene - his help to newcomers on Cyrene in game and his efforts to provide us with info on the forum including suggestions for a better planet.

Agis has been playing Entropia Universe since October 20th 2005 and have been on Cyrene since May 1st.

A big congratulation to Agis :)


Agis is here standing next to Official Ed Robles in front of his prize, which is a brand new Lancer v1.


I asked Agis, what his most enjoyable moments on Cyrene have been?

"That must have been the spear race at ARC HQ when we got a first toy on the completion of the mission then getting it almost half destroyed by Shyshatter Robots forgetting it was 50pec TT in value. But also when going up all the steep cliffs in the Spear planting a probe on one of the highest mountains and getting an over 3000 ped oil loot. And last but not least, the amazing Greater Crystal Find on the MuckJaw Alpha! A pity I couldn't have sound in that area, so it took me by surprise and took me about 10 seconds to realise the discovery lol."

Agis, what do you like most about Planet Cyrene?

"I like the design of the monsters, extremely creative and probably the best looking monsters in Entropia Universe. The effects the monsters give are definitely unique and most of the mobs keep you on your toes all the time so there are no time for lazy hunting. The single maturity spawns are the best."

Anything you find could be changed into the better?

"I really like Planet Cyrene, but have things, which I find should be changed; The loot balancing is the most important change needed, because it seems that you cant survive unless you global on Level 20 and above mobs. The Duster area and mobs need a complete redesign, The Wiles needs to be separated from the MuckJaw and Skreel area and the crashing there needs to be addressed. The mob spawns need re-evaluating especially on all the Stalker robots, and more spawn of them. The Zeladoth Old Alpha needs level re-evaluation, and bring back the Zil'Zik Leaders they are a nice average loot mob. And also adjust the force of push from Rhino Beetles and Mang Chang cause on Asian and Oceanic pings of approx 200-400ms the push could crash your client or the screen has to re-synch that means you cant attack the mob..."

And he continues...

"Being a hunter as my primary profession I would like if you could add monsters to the abandon forts - even perhaps a fort of Fenris Guardians would be nice. It would also be great if there were more life at the areas where the Zik City is - and overall hopefully we get some more mobs to experience as time goes by. But please, any curb of the Cyrstal Pede Invasion would be nice lol ... they are annoying :D "

...That was a lot of good things, Agis - and I will make sure to forward it to the rest of the Cyrene Team, thank you =)

There's only one more thing to add; You ain't seen nothing yet - and again, big gratz to Agis :)


And up he goes and away ....



How to become Cyrene Citizen of the Month
This title will be given to a dedicated player on Cyrene, who is doing something out of the usual to make the planet a nice place to be for newcomers, creating some great events for other players, providing the Cyrene Team with valuable information about the planet or/and suggestions of how to improve Cyrene etc.

It could be something completely different, of course, as long as it is a positive approach to improve other players experiences on Planet Cyrene.

The Cyrene Team will make the nomination for the Cyrene Citizen of the Month, but you are always welcome to write me if you have suggestions, with a name of the person and the reason for why you believe this person deserves to be nominated.

Thank you =)


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Active Member
Grats Agis! ..and grats too to the Cyrene team for the early recognition of dedication by Agis! :)
For me too he has been the clear number one so far ...


Gratz Agis, well deserved, his dedication and work has been a great help and time saver for the whole Cyrene population. Keep up the good work and thank you.:beerchug:


New Member
I haven't been around much in Cyrene so far, Waiting for HUB to get some nice updates.
But I love citizen of the month, Gives out some very well deserved respect and recognition to those that help make this game a better place.

Good job, Agis! :clap: