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Cyrene Citizen of the Month - June 2013

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Each month we are trying to nominate a 'Cyrene Citizen of the Month', to show our appreciation to those who are doing something extra on Cyrene. Unfortunately we didn't have any nominations for a few months - but now we're kicking back in again =)

The title and prize for the Cyrene Citizen of the Month, June 2013 goes to:
"Neuromancer is working very hard on helping new players on Cyrene and to give them a purpose and a way to advance in game. He is very helpful and great for the community."
I met Neuromancer at the Aerial Base Outskirts, were he was handed out the prize, a DragonFly Helicopter (L):​

Neuromancer told me that he likes to help people and immediately wanted to show me his work in action!

"Not that I'm too keen on these Imperial Officers" he said while running towards one, "but everybody is nice if you are just helpful and relaxed ..."


"Hi Mr. Officer ... you need some fapping?"

It was clearly that the Officer didn't need fapping at all, and perhaps even fell a little offended by the offer ...

"FAP FAP FAP :eek:"​

Oh my ... Indeed this was clearly not what Neuromancer had in mind - and I'm sure newcomers appreciate his great help a lot more than this dude!

"I guess you should have fapped yourself..."

I have to admit I was the first to turn around and away, when the guy looked and me and said '... are you a fapper too?"

"No Mr. Officer - I wouldn't dare fapping you ... "

I ran to the revival to find Neuromancer again, but could see how scouts and pilots just stared me down with their fingers on the trigger!


"Kind of regret I didn't bring a candy bar to make this guy's world a little sweeter..."

Safe with Neuromancer again, I could finally start the interview ... He sat down on his sofa - which he is always bringing. "Whenever I'm feeling philosophical or dealing with a soc drama, I spawn the sofa on a mountain top," he tells me! And he does look very relaxed and handsome on the sofa, in his blue coat - which was a gift from his society!

"My name is Dave Neuromancer but most people call me Dave - it is my real name. I joined the game in spring 2007. Set up Brainstormers soc in Jan '08. And that is the best thing I've ever done in game. Mainly I am a bot hunter and p/t miner."

"For how long have you been on Planet Cyrene," I asked Neuromancer.

"I've had bad luck on new planets. On my first trip to RockTropia my graphics card melted. I blame it on the vixens ;) I went to Next Island about 2 days after it opened and tried mining - Lyst and oil. Arkadia was pretty decent. But then I landed full time on Cyrene in January this year."


"What are your most enjoyable moments on Cyrene," was my next question to which Neuromancer not surprisingly replied "Helping people" and continued: "... And the comments like "OMG there is someone else here"... Unfortunately that happens more times than it should. My pet project is trying to to get a regular swunt going. Sometimes it is like herding cats, but if I can get 6 or more people out on a Saturday that is pretty cool. I'm working on a project to hijack a swunt team out of Calypso and get them planet-side for a few days. Maybe a Cyrene package tour with events and so on."

Neuromancer finds, like other people nominated as Cyrene Citizens of the Month, that the helpful community is what he likes the most. "Also the response time of Kris (and the straight-shooting answers) is amazing. No other planet has a major PP exec who gets back to a spelling check post in 24 hours," he continues while smiling.


"I would have said it was my weight who did it, however,
we didn't go down at my end =)"
"What could be changed," I would like to know.

"This is a tough call. Crafting needs to be totally reworked. 100 tail tips for a gun click is ridiculous. Same goes for medium power cells. ARC elite armor decay needs to be bumped up to 8000 or better. Multiple item loot from one hit needs to be checked - in my case 5 almost full tt guns from a tide claw - great for me but seriously unbalanced."

Neuromancer explains, that one of his projects is to mine and craft ore and textures for vehicles, and then call up LeeLoo to get it all together. "Unfortunately this is not possible on Cyrene. Also most ores and mobs look a bit too boring for textures," he adds.

It's time to end the interview and I ask Neuromancer if he has something else he wish to add, and he replies: "To anyone thinking about coming to Cyrene. There is a very skilled and helpful crew here ready to give you a hand, but you need a pioneer spirit. Auction is brutal at the best of times because there are usually less than 14 pages of items.

Having said all that - going back to Calypso is like going back to my hometown in northern Canada - nice for a few days but I'm glad to be on the warp back to Cyrene."

He gives me a big smile with his Canadian-flags painted face - sitting on his comfy sofa 'on top of things'!


Thank you so much, Dave Neuromancer, for being a part of our awesome community and for helping making it even better :thumbup: We wish you the best with your soc and everything else in future, from the whole Planet Cyrene team!



How to become Cyrene Citizen of the Month

This title will be given to a dedicated player on Cyrene, who is doing something out of the usual to make the planet a nice place to be for newcomers, creating some great events for other players, providing the Cyrene Team with valuable information about the planet or/and suggestions of how to improve Cyrene etc.

It could be something completely different, of course, as long as it is a positive approach to improve other players experiences on Planet Cyrene.

The Cyrene Team will make the nomination for the Cyrene Citizen of the Month, but you are always welcome to write me if you have suggestions, with a name of the person and the reason for why you believe this person deserves to be nominated.

Thank you =)


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New Member
Wow Nice one. Massive GZ Dave ;). You deserve this for sure. Didn't know about the sofa but thats a cool idea hehe. Keep the hard work on Cyrene, and I hope more ppl will join this great planet.
Also big GZ to the planet developers for their hard work. I can see how cyrene is improving with every update. I always said that the planet will become the best planet in EU when you release the full version. Keep it coming guys :beerchug:

Chris Spencer Schmidt

Active Member
Gz Dave. :clap:
Good choice. He has also helped me when I started here at Cyrene habe.Das a few weeks ago has facilitated me a lot. Although my english is bad.
Well I find it nice that makes her such a thing.