Lykke TheNun
Well-Known Member
Each month we are trying to nominate a 'Cyrene Citizen of the Month', to show our appreciation to those who are doing something extra on Cyrene.
The title and prize for the Cyrene Citizen of the Month, March 2014 goes to:
This was said about Kenji in his nomination:
"Kejnji is a honourable player, specializing in doing healing services, and have been a great help for me and many others to be able to complete those heavy duty missions. This planet have many hard mobs and his assistance will be very useful in the future..."
"Meet me at the Zekkonian Village North from Tanhok Crystal Gardens (136409,84057,157)," Kenji says when I ask him to find a favourite spot on Cyrene to meet up.
He sees me already at the Tanhok Crystal Gardens TP though and together we take the ride to the village where he is handed over the prize, a A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II (L):
"On March 23, 2014 I will be 2 years old in this wonderful Entropia Universe. I started out on planet Calypso, but after a few months I left together with a few soc mates to Planet Arkadia. Here I finished my mentoring program and tried to find my place in the EU world. One year after I started playing I found myself on Planet Cyrene where I trained my avatar into what it became today
," Kenji tells me - and today he is also the proud leader of 'The Screaming Eagles' society.
"A very good friend of mine, Alric Bezel, settled down on Cyrene, and asked me if I would like to join him in this adventure," Kenji continues "and I came here with many hopes for better things in my EU life and have to say, that Cyrene didn't disappoint me" Kenji smiles.
"Here I have my most memorable moments in my EU life and I will always consider Cyrene as my home. I have spent half of my in game life here, more than on any other planet."
The beautiful Waterfalls at Zekkonian Village welcome us in the distance! It is breathtakingly beautiful! "I often go here to relax," Kenji explains and I totally understand his connection to this place.
While we are flying to the village I ask Kenji to tell me about his most enjoyable moments on Planet Cyrene.
"Hmm..." he looks concentrated out to the side of the vehicle "There are a lot of enjoyable moments every day, from chatting with friends in Supply Depot to taking a HOF on the Cyrene's most strongest mobs with a client from my healing service. I like hunting here, I like exploring the planet and I like the landscapes. I like the Epic Missions, these are unique in Entropia Universe and many will come in future to Cyrene to try them out."
"This is a great way to fish ...."
It sounds like Kenji is in love with the planet, but he doesn't hesitate when I ask what he likes most about Cyrene!
"The people - I like the people the most," he replies quickly and continues "There are not so many but they are all quality players. All of them are very nice and ready to help if someone needs any help. That make Cyrene unique because many players come and go daily here, but these people stayed and learned how to succeed. Here I have almost all my best friends from my Friend List. Socializing at Supply Depot is one of the activities I do with great pleasure every time."
When it comes to changing things on Planet Cyrene, Kenji tells me that there aren't many things he would like to see changed.
"I like Cyrene as it is and Cyrene Devs made a nice job with it, but one thing which does affect me is that when healing a player that hunt the Rhino Beetles, the mob is getting too much over the player so the healing can't be done and I think the hunter doesn't like it either. This happens on some of the Zeladoths too but not like the Rhinos. They simply swallows the hunter with their massive body."
That's definitely something the devs should look into (Kris
) because healing is an important service on the planet!
"I set myself a goal by the way," Kenji looks at me and his face lightens up "I wish to make the B.E. Pilot armor set as Improved B.E. armor. It looks awesome and it's a very good armor set. If I will manage to improve it will be the most used armor for me in future. I have gathered the materials needed for crafting the B.E. Pilot and my friend Alric crafted it for me. So now I just need to collect the 7 Boffin Upgrade parts to enjoy this really cool armor set."
Kenji laughs and it's easy to tell that here's a really good guy who is also a kind and helpful person! And I'm not doubting one moment why he was nominated for the title as Cyrene Citizen of the month! I feel very comfortable and have a great, fun time in his company.
After swimming at the Waterfall (where I of course again got stuck) we jump into our P.I.G's and race through the Village! And even through he lets a 'Lady' come first back to the village there is no doubt that he is the best driver here today - and I (again) end upside down not that few times!
When it is time for me to go back behind the office desk Kenji asks me please to say 'Hello and welcome to Planet Cyrene' to everyone that is going to come on a visit or will stay...
"If you see me anywhere on the planet don't be afraid to say "hi". I am always ready to help with what I can; Information of any kind, tips, healing service, mentoring, having fun, chatting, making new friends and a lot more. I hope you like 'Kenji' and look forward to be seeing you in game - but until then Good Luck and Have Fun."
Good luck and have fun back, Rosoga kenji AlinConstantin, it was a great pleasure to meet up with you and thank you for being a part of our awesome community and for helping making it even better! We wish you the best in future, from the whole Planet Cyrene Team!

How to become Cyrene Citizen of the Month
This title will be given to a dedicated player on Cyrene, who is doing something out of the usual to make the planet a nice place to be for newcomers, creating some great events for other players, providing the Cyrene Team with valuable information about the planet or/and suggestions of how to improve Cyrene etc.
It could be something completely different, of course, as long as it is a positive approach to improve other players experiences on Planet Cyrene.
The Cyrene Team will make the nomination for the Cyrene Citizen of the Month, but you are always welcome to write me if you have suggestions, with a name of the person and the reason for why you believe this person deserves to be nominated.
Thank you =)
The title and prize for the Cyrene Citizen of the Month, March 2014 goes to:
This was said about Kenji in his nomination:
"Kejnji is a honourable player, specializing in doing healing services, and have been a great help for me and many others to be able to complete those heavy duty missions. This planet have many hard mobs and his assistance will be very useful in the future..."
"Meet me at the Zekkonian Village North from Tanhok Crystal Gardens (136409,84057,157)," Kenji says when I ask him to find a favourite spot on Cyrene to meet up.
He sees me already at the Tanhok Crystal Gardens TP though and together we take the ride to the village where he is handed over the prize, a A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II (L):
"A very good friend of mine, Alric Bezel, settled down on Cyrene, and asked me if I would like to join him in this adventure," Kenji continues "and I came here with many hopes for better things in my EU life and have to say, that Cyrene didn't disappoint me" Kenji smiles.
"Here I have my most memorable moments in my EU life and I will always consider Cyrene as my home. I have spent half of my in game life here, more than on any other planet."
The beautiful Waterfalls at Zekkonian Village welcome us in the distance! It is breathtakingly beautiful! "I often go here to relax," Kenji explains and I totally understand his connection to this place.
While we are flying to the village I ask Kenji to tell me about his most enjoyable moments on Planet Cyrene.
"Hmm..." he looks concentrated out to the side of the vehicle "There are a lot of enjoyable moments every day, from chatting with friends in Supply Depot to taking a HOF on the Cyrene's most strongest mobs with a client from my healing service. I like hunting here, I like exploring the planet and I like the landscapes. I like the Epic Missions, these are unique in Entropia Universe and many will come in future to Cyrene to try them out."
"This is a great way to fish ...."
"The people - I like the people the most," he replies quickly and continues "There are not so many but they are all quality players. All of them are very nice and ready to help if someone needs any help. That make Cyrene unique because many players come and go daily here, but these people stayed and learned how to succeed. Here I have almost all my best friends from my Friend List. Socializing at Supply Depot is one of the activities I do with great pleasure every time."
"I'm not sure if the vehicle is stuck in me or if I'm stuck in the vehicle ..."
"PUSH Kenji PUSH..."
"PUSH Kenji PUSH..."
When it comes to changing things on Planet Cyrene, Kenji tells me that there aren't many things he would like to see changed.
"I like Cyrene as it is and Cyrene Devs made a nice job with it, but one thing which does affect me is that when healing a player that hunt the Rhino Beetles, the mob is getting too much over the player so the healing can't be done and I think the hunter doesn't like it either. This happens on some of the Zeladoths too but not like the Rhinos. They simply swallows the hunter with their massive body."
That's definitely something the devs should look into (Kris

"I set myself a goal by the way," Kenji looks at me and his face lightens up "I wish to make the B.E. Pilot armor set as Improved B.E. armor. It looks awesome and it's a very good armor set. If I will manage to improve it will be the most used armor for me in future. I have gathered the materials needed for crafting the B.E. Pilot and my friend Alric crafted it for me. So now I just need to collect the 7 Boffin Upgrade parts to enjoy this really cool armor set."
Kenji laughs and it's easy to tell that here's a really good guy who is also a kind and helpful person! And I'm not doubting one moment why he was nominated for the title as Cyrene Citizen of the month! I feel very comfortable and have a great, fun time in his company.
After swimming at the Waterfall (where I of course again got stuck) we jump into our P.I.G's and race through the Village! And even through he lets a 'Lady' come first back to the village there is no doubt that he is the best driver here today - and I (again) end upside down not that few times!
When it is time for me to go back behind the office desk Kenji asks me please to say 'Hello and welcome to Planet Cyrene' to everyone that is going to come on a visit or will stay...
"If you see me anywhere on the planet don't be afraid to say "hi". I am always ready to help with what I can; Information of any kind, tips, healing service, mentoring, having fun, chatting, making new friends and a lot more. I hope you like 'Kenji' and look forward to be seeing you in game - but until then Good Luck and Have Fun."
Good luck and have fun back, Rosoga kenji AlinConstantin, it was a great pleasure to meet up with you and thank you for being a part of our awesome community and for helping making it even better! We wish you the best in future, from the whole Planet Cyrene Team!
Looking forward for some fun next time I'm in game
... just like you promised !
... just like you promised !

How to become Cyrene Citizen of the Month
This title will be given to a dedicated player on Cyrene, who is doing something out of the usual to make the planet a nice place to be for newcomers, creating some great events for other players, providing the Cyrene Team with valuable information about the planet or/and suggestions of how to improve Cyrene etc.
It could be something completely different, of course, as long as it is a positive approach to improve other players experiences on Planet Cyrene.
The Cyrene Team will make the nomination for the Cyrene Citizen of the Month, but you are always welcome to write me if you have suggestions, with a name of the person and the reason for why you believe this person deserves to be nominated.
Thank you =)