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Cyrene Citizen of the Month - October 2012

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Each month we are nominating a 'Cyrene Citizen of the Month', to show our appreciation to those who are doing something extra on Cyrene.

The title and prize for October 2012 goes to:

- who has been nominated for his dedication to Planet Cyrene, being one of the very first citizens, contributing both on the forum and in game helping other players - and delivering awesome crafted items to the community.

We met up at Base Camp Epsilon, were Master Chief was handed out the prize, a Lancer v1 (L).

But first Master Chief showed me his new toy; an A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II (L) and even let me try it out *gasp*. If he knew about my driving skills, what he knows now, I'm not sure he would have offered me a ride, but I handed it over to him again - in one piece! (I don't hope he got any pictures of videos of the ride ... it was quite embarrassing ... but FUN :p ).

"Oh .. you want me to drive this toy of yours??"

Master Chief started playing Entropia Universe all the way back in 2005.

He was a part of Planet Cyrene since the very first day.

"I came to this planet not hoping for much, but boy, am I glad I was wrong. I found there was a lot more to do and explore than expected," Master Chief tells me.

"Your new toy certainly also looks good on you!

Master Chief tells me, that his most enjoyable moments on Planet Cyrene has been the Chief's Tours of Cyrene during day 1 launch.

"I took many people all around Cyrene on a tour of local creatures and missions," Master Chief tells me enthusiastic and continues, "And I supplied them with the mats to do the daily's. At the end of tour they tipped me with Imperium tokens, PED, weapons and more, but the best tip I ever received was 100 PED."


"And in the air he goes!"

On the question "what do you like most on Planet Cyrene", he answers with a big grin, "The crafting Terminal at the A.R.C. HQ has been extremely good to me."

"If I could change anything," Master Chief continues, "It would be for he Reward Broker to sell A.R.C. Molds in stacks of 10, 100, 500. I'm a crafter and I wish to be mass crafting some Cyrene Armors!"

"Oh my, did you hurt yourself in that crash :eek: ?"

I am about to head off again, when Master Chief shouts after me "Oh, and we need more Rockets! I could use a new Rocket Launcher!". We both laugh while I fade away in the teleporter.

"Back on safe ground - looking cool as always!"

Again, a big thank you to Master Chief for all his help
and dedication for Cyrene

How to become Cyrene Citizen of the Month
This title will be given to a dedicated player on Cyrene, who is doing something out of the usual to make the planet a nice place to be for newcomers, creating some great events for other players, providing the Cyrene Team with valuable information about the planet or/and suggestions of how to improve Cyrene etc.
It could be something completely different, of course, as long as it is a positive approach to improve other players experiences on Planet Cyrene.
The Cyrene Team will make the nomination for the Cyrene Citizen of the Month, but you are always welcome to write me if you have suggestions, with a name of the person and the reason for why you believe this person deserves to be nominated.
Thank you =)


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MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Congratulations MC :thumbup: ... this was an excellent choice on Cyrene's part, because I always see you helping others, crafting your big virtual heart out, and generally having a great time making sure everyone is doing ok ... not to mention displaying your crafted vehicles and giving people an opportunity to experience them.

You're such a sweetheart, that weapon just really looks misplaced. :D

Nice article Lykke, and the photos are awesome. :)
I have some fun memories of us racing and shooting Skreel. You deserved this, so I have written a poem in your honor (you asked me to be original).

He came to Cyrene without expectations,
but boy was he surprised to find his home-station,
'cause on Cyrene he stayed for many months,
discovering things no-one had ever found,

He became a face for the planet Cyrene,
the loyal guy who likes to shoot some Skreel,
if you want to find this guy we call MC-crafter-inferno,
take the TP to the closest crafting-terminal,

Yours truly,
Divide DeLarge Impera

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
I have some fun memories of us racing and shooting Skreel. You deserved this, so I have written a poem in your honor (you asked me to be original).

He came to Cyrene without expectations,
but boy was he surprised to find his home-station,
'cause on Cyrene he stayed for many months,
discovering things no-one had ever found,

He became a face for the planet Cyrene,
the loyal guy who likes to shoot some Skreel,
if you want to find this guy we call MC-crafter-inferno,
take the TP to the closest crafting-terminal,

Yours truly,
Divide DeLarge Impera

first a poem, then stealing my shoes from the closest while im at work. Better keep a close eye on you! xD

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
you insult me and speak ill of me to my friends, even though i have never talked to you in my life and you know jack about me.... :p quite obviously your jealousy shining through. but anyway im gonna be the bigger man and say grats still ;)

Just a friendly reminder;
2.2 Personal attacks, insults, rudeness, racism, threats, name-calling and other non-constructive inflammatory behavior toward other members is not allowed - not in public, in private messages, private sub-forums, or reputation comments.

Take this to private message, or ingame.

The Chief