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Cyrene Citizen of the Month - September 2012

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Each month we are nominating a 'Cyrene Citizen of the Month', to show our appreciation to those who are doing something extra on Cyrene.

The title and prize for September 2012 goes to:

- who has been nominated for his dedication to Planet Cyrene, his great contributions both on the forum, adding suggestions and great ideas for making Cyrene a better place - and in game, helping other players.

We met up at Tanhok Crystal Gardens, were Rathius was handed out the prize,a Lancer v1 (L).

Rathius started playing Entropia roughly nine years ago. "I've had a lot of long breaks over that time though, so my active time is maybe half of that," Rathius explains.

For how long have you been on Cyrene?

"I came over to Cyrene at the beginning of July, primarily the allure of exploring something new, but also because of the overall vision and background of the planet".

What are your most enjoyable moments on Cyrene?

"My most enjoyable moments of Cyrene come from exploring the planet and finding the wonderful points of interest that provide some of the most wonderful views. Be it finding a waterfall tucked away in a swamp, or what seems to be an abandoned village envolped in mist. Things like this are always enjoyable to me as I wonder about what more could be hiding and waiting to be discovered".

The lancer suits you well, Rathius =)

What do you like most?

"What I like most is also what primarily brought me to Cyrene, and that's the prospect of evolving the planet. I am a firm believer in evolving worlds and letting the players have a direct impact on that aspect. It makes every interaction that much more enjoyable and meaningful for everyone to know they had some part in what happened".

What could be changed?

"Cyrene is coming along nicely so far, and so anything as far as changing, I think would be just more along the lines of evolution of the planet. And even that is kind of hard to get into, for me, without having a full release of the planet itself. I've had a few suggestions here and there about things that seemed odd to me, but for the most part those have been addressed or explained in such a way that they're just issues of not having everything available rather than something that needs changing".

NOoo - do not park it on my head ... on the GROUND!
When Rathius is asked if there's anything else to add, he replies:

"I really think Cyrene has an amazing future ahead of it and I can only hope that more people come to settle on the planet so that it can grow into its full potential. In my time, I've seen a lot of people just passing through, and a lot of people just trying to make a quick buck. And while it's nice for people to be getting exposed to Cyrene, we really need a solid core of people to help keep things moving in the right direction, to really make Cyrene shine as a place to call home and not just another check box on the "been there, done that" list".

Again, a big thank you to Rathius for all his help on Cyrene :dance:

Ahh - in the air! That looks much better =)

How to become Cyrene Citizen of the Month
This title will be given to a dedicated player on Cyrene, who is doing something out of the usual to make the planet a nice place to be for newcomers, creating some great events for other players, providing the Cyrene Team with valuable information about the planet or/and suggestions of how to improve Cyrene etc.
It could be something completely different, of course, as long as it is a positive approach to improve other players experiences on Planet Cyrene.
The Cyrene Team will make the nomination for the Cyrene Citizen of the Month, but you are always welcome to write me if you have suggestions, with a name of the person and the reason for why you believe this person deserves to be nominated.
Thank you =)


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