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Cyrene forums are aowsome


Vintage Yquem Port
I have to say apart from the aowosome planet, your forums really rock.
They look great, function really good and easy to use.

Thanks alot! :thumbup:
Second that - now only thing we still need to know is if the mods are hot or not :)

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Second that - now only thing we still need to know is if the mods are hot or not :)

Lykke is hot, but her husband (SchmitzIT at this forum) keeps watch! :D

Kris is hot, with a quirky kinda humor that I like. :thumbup:

Ed is hot, because he's hot on getting things fixed and the first patch out. :bowdown:

And I'm hot because I live in the sub-tropics! :p

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Thank you for the nice words about the forum :) We try and make it nice and 'cosy' here (including informative, of course...) - with a lot of help from the awesome community :D

If you have any questions about the forum, issues or suggestions, do not hesitate posting them in the our 'About Cyrene Forum' section here:


- or send me a private message about it.
