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Cyrene in 3 hours.


I have an excuse to come visit Cyrene for a few hours tonight and would like to see as much of it as possible.

What would you guys recommend I do and see?

Starting area.
Beginner missions.
Sites of interest.
Low lvl mobs.
Mid lvl mobs.
High end mobs. (please specify dmg types so I can bring the proper armor)
The Hub.
What else should I see?

Thanks for any help or thoughts on what I should do to maximize my experience :)


edit: I mean that I will have about 3 hours to play, not that I will be there in 3 hours.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Your in Luck, Chief is Their Enough said!

For the Projectile mobs use, Vigi + 6a (Imperial Grunts, Pilots, Officers, and Scout Bots all maturities and Fenris Assualt Guardian)

For Melee 'I' Use, Grem + 5B (Mang Chang, Rhino Beetle, and Slimy Slugs'


A pixel guy
For Melee 'I' Use, Grem + 5B (Mang Chang, Rhino Beetle, Slimy Slugs, Fenris Assualt Guardian'

Fenris became melee? :eek: Last time I visited it (a month ago) it did bombard me with some purple rays while staying inside the base (I was outside on the beach). Though perhaps it has 2 kinds of attack, depending on if it can reach you...

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Fenris became melee? :eek: Last time I visited it (a month ago) it did bombard me with some purple rays while staying inside the base (I was outside on the beach). Though perhaps it has 2 kinds of attack, depending on if it can reach you...

it does both, but that was a quick reply didnt think about it hehe xD


Well im bringing Stealth (same as martial) and Pulsar 8 (just a bit better than 5b) and 6a plates, for smaller stuff I will use local TT armor.

Does that sound ok?



I have been running around for a couple hours, got a global on a dung beatle so far.
Saving missions for when I have more time to fully appreciate the story lines.

Kind of dissapointing that there arent any peopel here.... maybe just because its so late at night, im not sure.

If anyone is on give me a shout and show me around :)

Ill be here for another hour or so.



New Member
I recommend you start in ARC Headquarters, pick up the nearby quests.
Great to look around the second hand staging area, which you will probably enter through.

I love Cyrene's picturesque view, you will probably notice that it gets fairly dark there too lol, so hope you have a flashlight handy.

I suggest Zik's if you want to meet up with the mutated direweeds, and do a little sweating. That is if you aren't allergic to all the pollen spread out hehe. So hope you have a safe and pleasurable time in Cyrene.

Mining is something you might want to do there and ohhh they have bile jelly worms, merfolks, and swamplurkers.

Have fun Narfi, and maybe you can tune into mindstarradio aswell. They play a variety of songs, which helps boredom at times.


New Member
I recommend you start in ARC Headquarters, pick up the nearby quests.
Great to look around the second hand staging area, which you will probably enter through.

I love Cyrene's picturesque view, you will probably notice that it gets fairly dark there too lol, so hope you have a flashlight handy.

I suggest Zik's if you want to meet up with the mutated direweeds, and do a little sweating. That is if you aren't allergic to all the pollen spread out hehe. So hope you have a safe and pleasurable time in Cyrene.

Mining is something you might want to do there and ohhh they have bile jelly worms, merfolks, and swamplurkers.

Have fun Narfi, and maybe you can tune into mindstarradio aswell. They play a variety of songs, which helps boredom at times.

Sorry got this out to you too late:p Congrats on your global though~


Here is the global I got while visiting :)

2012-06-28 -- Mature Rhino Beetle 124 PED .jpg



Active Member
And now I read the forums! If I knew that it was your first time and all, I would have taken you to Mt. Cyrene!! :(