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Cyrene June 2015 VU Preview

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Kris here again to let everyone preview some of the things for the next PP VU here on Planet Cyrene. I'd like to start by congratulating all players for unlocking the Zyn Forest to Level 1 and getting the Rhino Beetle and Mang Chang pets available. We also have a Paneleon pet coming as well bringing the total number of pets that can be acquired on Cyrene now to 4. In honor of this we've also changed up the Pet Center a bit and allowed it to show off the pets.

New Pet Combine.jpg

Before we get into the new stuff we have some improvements to existing Cyrene content that should be noted. We have fixed a large number of missions including the Gear Up: New Fap chain along with fixing the parameters of those rewards, as well as all the seek and find missions. We didn't forget the A.R.C. Summoner mission either, each NPC now correctly awards a Badge and the Turret issue has been corrected. Also, MindArk has informed me that the issue with the texture issue with many of the Cyrene Textures will be resolved this coming VU as well. The NPCs in the A.R.C. Staging Area have also been housed and grouped appropriately to make collecting and turning in missions easier along with reduced client load. The A.R.C. Faction Terminals also now have their own wing in the Hub with plenty of room for future expansions. All of these are happening with various other fixes/changes.

ARC Mission Combine.jpg

As for A.R.C. Rank 3, we're still hammering out the details with MindArk as a whole, from missions, to badge usage, as well as reward and cost schema. So there will not be any new A.R.C. Faction Missions for only Rank 3 for the VU but we're very hopeful that for the Mini Patch there will be Rank 3 content available for the players who are ready for it.

Now for the new content! We're very happy to introduce two new creatures here on Cyrene, the Nimet and the Venataur!

New Creatuers Combine.jpg

The Nimet is a lower level creature (threat levels 6 - 12) that deals area damage with high stamina, while the Venataur is a mid level creature (threat levels 15 - 28) that takes after its master, the Fenris Mech. Both of these creatures have new Kill Point mission chains associated with them. Along with these there are also new 50,000 Kill Point Missions for Dire Weed, Crystal Pedes, and TIde Claws for players that have completed the previous versions.

We also have over 40 new mining iron missions coming this VU, with a reward focus on Surveyor Skill.

Carnap's Landing Combine.jpg

Carnap's landing is our new Land Area on here on Planet Cyrene, it is located near the Sky Labs and Turrelion Desert, but on its own island. We wanted to add in this Land Area in preparation for Hard Launch and will be adding subsequent updates to it. We'll be adding some sought after universal mining spawns and special creature spawns here for the Mini Patch.

Sky Labs Platformer Combine.jpg

Last but certainly not least is the newest Platformer: The Sky Labs Platformer. Able to be accessed near the Sky Labs Teleporter this is the first open world platformer (but no vehicles allowed). Players will be able to attempt this one for rewards as well similar to the M.A.R.I.O.V.R. & L.U.I.G.I.V.S. however, falling during this puzzle will prove to be more of a nuisance that inside the instanced platformers.

I hope this has provided some insight into what's in store for next Cyrene Update.

Thanks for reading and thanks for playing on Planet Cyrene.




Well-Known Member
Very nice, but you did see the spelling mistake in one of your screenshots right? :braa:

And :clap::cheer:on the new stable look :)

But how many new A.R.C. staging teleports are there?

Pretto Loco

New Member
Great to hear the news about upgrades making miners happy. 40 new iron mining missions will for shure attract a few miners. And hopefully a bunch of crafters as a result of that. I just hope the spawns havent been shuffled around and redistributed because of the new area.

MindArk has informed me that the issue with the texture issue with many of the Cyrene Textures will be resolved this coming VU as well.

If that is the case I will spread the word to non Cyreneans, as I know several who stopped requesting them because of the issues. But it didnt stop me. Chasing crystals for textures is almost as addictive as a certain Smeagol's interest in a certain ring :rolleyes:


Active Member
wow that many mining missions, and a HUGE CONGRATS AND THANK YOU!!! I will arrogantly claim to speak for ALL the miners.... for making them reward towards Enmat. Universe wide, enmat is a son of a bitch to level up on because it's only half value a ore drop. This alone should bring a ton of people here.

With this please keep an eye on mining loot allocations as a huge influx of miners may make it err difficult at times to get into a spot that 34 others have not already.

Consequences: This is going to cause an ass ton of mined products to be put on the auction hall. If the crafters are not here to utilize this, it could kill the market. Not sure what your plans are but can we possibly 'think up' stuff to use more cyrene only ores, some new prints maybe, or make sure folks can find all the stuff needed for general 'universal' prints. Seems you are close to hard launch, with that, we really NEED to not only create but be able to SUSTAIN our OWN economy here without imports from other planets.

Finally, when are you going to go live, open up shops and open up the potential to buy a land area?

thank you

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Let me try and answer a few of these questions as I can:

This might use better wording ;) is it about required level which is 10.0 for all textures now?

I will follow up with MA on this, I meant about the black that shows up on them currently.

Epic Mission Chain:Zora.
Going to work to? :openmouth:

I sincerely hope so but it depends on what happens with the sync issues.

Wait a minute....something looks familiar here!

View attachment 2569

I have no idea where that's from but I'm very interested to see it in game.

Is this new land area a 'land area' in the sense that it has as deed and is ownable at some point?


Finally, when are you going to go live, open up shops and open up the potential to buy a land area?

It's still slated for this year but it's just about making sure that everything is in place to make sure it happens. When I have more info to share I will put it out there loud and clear.
