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FIXED Cyrene Report Thread (14.1)

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Active Member
The Ultimate Noob Challenge is based east of ARC camp Gamma, with mobs of, I think, 90 HP.
I don't think the weak tideclaws are meant to count, but the description for the mission is probably not clear...

Also, at the rate the pedes and others are growing in strength, no noobs will be able to survive anything soon! I'd prefer to call this change a bug rather than a stupid implementation of this planet development feature!
Can we have confirmation to what the true feature is? Mobs get stronger when lots of people hunt them, or they get weaker? Either way, a change of several levels is way too much for one vu and a hardly started volume of people.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Chazlow!
Bug: Weak Tideclaws count toward the ARC Tideclaw challenge but not to the Ultimate Noob Challenge which specifies any Weak Watcher or Soldier maturity creature.

Is this supposed to state a particular creature, or any creature of that maturity.
jetsina answered this one accurately:
The Ultimate Noob Challenge is based east of ARC camp Gamma, with mobs of, I think, 90 HP.
I don't think the weak tideclaws are meant to count, but the description for the mission is probably not clear...
I will amend the patch notes (until I can alter the quest text) to make this more clear.

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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey non!
min global threshold dosnt seem to be lowered on cyrene. or am i wrong?

This has not been changed yet on Cyrene as we wanted to make sure our loot was dropping correctly. This will set up for the next VU.

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Well-Known Member
Let's start :)

* At Zeladoth Spawning Grounds Zeladoths are showing only as L43
* Neither Young, Mature or Old Paneleons count to the A.R.C. challenge Agis Edited "(only mobs with the original hp of 1500hp and above count in the A.R.C Challenge to balance with the current challenge rewards - im sure this is not a bug)"
* Broken PVP tokens = Broken HUB entirely
* Test of Strength! mission is not working. After you kill Guardian Paneleon nothing happens.

* Fenris Dock Guardians not spawning along with the Scout Bot 779, on the two docks on the upper continent landmass
http://cyreneforum.com/threads/agis-mckrackens-guide-to-cyrene.802/ (Areas 48 and 52)

* Imperium Docks - Area 31 is broken no Imperium Spawning , making it diffucult to progress on the Epic Quest , there being only one location the mission can be done - Imperium Pilots dont count in Epic Quest (not a bug but just a heads up)



Well-Known Member
Another observation Kris, Regarding the Zeladoth Old Alpha spawn on the Turrelion continent, They are still only level 10 and very low hp, seems they are on a different DNA strand than the other Zeladoth, just an observation



Well-Known Member
Let's start :)

* Test of Strength! mission is not working. After you kill Guardian Paneleon nothing happens.

Just a tip for this mission - go hunt 1 Domestic Panleon on the beach and the mission can be completed, Its seems the Domestic Panleon is still in the code and not the Guardian Panleon, just until things are fixed , here is a temporary solution to this bug ...cheers:)


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Another observation Kris, Regarding the Zeladoth Old Alpha spawn on the Turrelion continent, They are still only level 10 and very low hp, seems they are on a different DNA strand than the other Zeladoth, just an observation


That's correct =) The also have a different naming convention.


Fate Thanatos Themis
ARC Elite set parts (L) got durability of 3300 - its like in comperable unl armors. so i wonder, if Elite armor should become Unl, or have fixed durability?

I prefare first option - its cool armor, not top tier but still very good. Its just a bit better than crafted UNL Jarhead on RT, that is level II bp or something lol.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
ARC Elite set parts (L) got durability of 3300 - its like in comperable unl armors. so i wonder, if Elite armor should become Unl, or have fixed durability?

I prefare first option - its cool armor, not top tier but still very good. Its just a bit better than crafted UNL Jarhead on RT, that is level II bp or something lol.


Hey Thanatos,

I'll look into this and get post back on here when I have more info.



Active Member
A few comments on the latest minipatch notes:

ty for the fixes!

The Mission: Ultimate N00b Challenge! The creatures needed to count for kills should be south from the terminal (Weak, Watcher, or Solider Scout Bots, Tree Dragons, Sea Wraiths, Dire Weeds). This will be clarified in a future patch.
- Don't you mean EAST, or are they moving again?

Ravenous Swamplurkers disappear sometimes, this issue is still being looked into.
- it is still not only ravenous that disappear after they aggro from a distance.....

I may as well report another bug not listed: after killing a small mob on a treestump, (scout bot) for example, it sinks into the tree and often cannot be looted (unless bar is drawn from it before the kill).


Active Member
bug with the ranger armor set: yesterday and the day before the ranger armor set looked perfect, the way it should. Then today after this update the armor set is all bugged, my avatar has long hair and it's now sticking out as if there was no helmet on, as well as now the symmetry is off at various points of the armor in the harness and thigh. It's a shame that the armor set looked the way it should then one update screws it all up :(


New Member
Several new and very old bugs.

1) Spear vehicles still near totally unusable (working fine only over water surface) - it very often flip over and getting damage even on flat surface.
More details, if required, could be found in another old bug report here - http://planetcalypsoforum.com/forums/showthread.php?233111-Hidden-cost-of-Spear-vehicles-or

2) Enkidd Howler's located in wrong Auction section:
Weapons -> Ranged -> Rifles -> Gauss, instead of Plasma.

3) Planet Cyrene still have incorrect name in "My Items" at EU website (it was that way since beginning):
STORAGE (Planet Cyrene

4) According to http://cyreneforum.com/threads/cyrene-march-20th-2013-mini-patch-notes.1161/
All blueprints now have the correct names.
At least 8 BP names was damaged, instead of fixed:
Was correct: Light Power Cell Blueprint
Now incorrect: Light Power Cell Blueprints

Was correct: Scout Arm Guards Blueprint
Now: Scout Arm Guard Blueprints

Was correct: Scout Boots Blueprint
Now: Scout Boot Blueprints

Was incorrect: Scout Hand Guards Blueprint
Now incorrect: Scout Glove Blueprints
Correct: Scout Gloves Blueprint

Was correct: Scout Harness Blueprint
Now incorrect: Scout Harness Blueprints

Was correct: Scout Helmet Blueprint
Now incorrect: Scout Helmet Blueprints

Was correct: Scout Shin Guards Blueprint
Now incorrect: Scout Shin Guard Blueprints

Was correct: Scout Thigh Guards Blueprint
Now incorrect: Scout Thigh Guard Blueprints
And many others have incorrect name as well "Blueprints" instead of "Blueprint".

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
This thread has now been cleaned from all unwanted off-topic posts as a request from the OP!

Thank you for reporting the errors - it's a big help - but :stayontopic: from now on ;)

Thank you!

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Updated the Mini Patch Notes:

  • All blueprint books now have the correct name.
Thanks for pointing that out Nikto.
The Mission: Ultimate N00b Challenge! The creatures needed to count for kills should be east from the terminal (Weak, Watcher, or Solider Scout Bots, Tree Dragons, Sea Wraiths, Dire Weeds). This will be clarified in a future patch.

East, not south, thanks Jetsina.

I will inform MA about the planet storage naming issue.

We were trying to get a smoother running spear for this patch but it didn't come out quite right so we'll continue to work on it (trying to keep the speed without the glitches).

I will update more after I investigate these other issues.



Not suffering from insanity, enjoying it very much
This thread has now been cleaned from all unwanted off-topic posts as a request from the OP!

Thank you for reporting the errors - it's a big help - but :stayontopic: from now on ;)

Thank you!

but you also deleted the post about the elite armor which wasnt off topic or indecent at all...

but anyway, i dont know if this has been mentioned, but the puny pleaks look funny now ^^ when they aggro they stop flapping their wings, they become stiff, no animation or anything.
looks quite funny ^^


New Member
Minor one, in the hub proving grounds the spawn point for the tokens at the East side does not spawn tokens (At least not for me in last hour) the other 2 areas are fine

The area I mean is in pic


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