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Cyrene special gift


so, i'm looking at this advertisement that mentions a "Cyrene special gift" to people who register as "Cyrene specific characters"

by the context clues of the advertisment i'd say this is for new accounts only

is there anything for us Cyrene stalker pre release types? :wolf:

by no means do i expect anything free, but i'm rather fond of the idea of a Cyrene specific something i can sport. shirt, baseball hat, whoopi cushion, no,,wait,,i take that last one back

if it is going to be as cool as it has sounded for the past year (or more) while i've been stalking and waiting then id like something to show with it's symbol

a shirt w/ the symbol on front, (maby on pocket) and huge one on the back.
i'm even ok with buying it from the TT

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
So far the reward is for new players only - who choose to have Cyrene as their 'home-base' because they start out on that planet - just like players starting out on Next Island are native 'Islanders', ROCKtropia are 'native' ROCKtropians, people starting on Arkadia are native Arkadians and well, those of us who has been playing for many years, are native Calypsians.

This doesn't mean we can't visit other planets, but we were not 'born' on those planets.

Will there be anything for visitors on Planet Cyrene? I really don't know at this moment - so time will tell =)


again, I have no idea...
you can always buy it from a newbie, but be sure to pay a fair price, thats what I did with a set of OJ a few years back

Nor Alien

Whisker Fish
you can always buy it from a newbie, but be sure to pay a fair price, thats what I did with a set of OJ a few years back
I think the special gift will be my avatar standing around in a field of Noobs as they gasp in awe over my god like status... Level 36 laser sniper!! :braa: err 36.7... :whip:


Active Member
you can always buy it from a newbie, but be sure to pay a fair price, thats what I did with a set of OJ a few years back

If it's traded. A lot of new items these days being released for 'new players' can not be traded. :(

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Promises promises!! :dancinggirls:

... heed her warning my friend
... because Softy doesn't promise, she delivers!