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Bug Report December 16th, 2014 Bug Report


Well-Known Member
Something i noticed, but didn't think of reporting till a cyrenechat with Xpl0jd today:

When you are hunting Rhino Beetles (and sometimes bigger mang chang/paneleon) you get stuck inside the mob when shooting at it. There are two problems with this:

1. the insides are very ugly :)
2. People can't see you and if you have a fapper with you, they can't reach you to heal you.

It would be nice if they stayed away a bit furter. Maybe increase their attack range a bit so they stay away more?


Well-Known Member
Any while we were talking about annoying things on cyrene:

The water is way too dark, you can't see far enough underwater. It's a real pain to hunt underwater because of that. You can't see if the next mob you targeted is behind ocean rocks, or above or below you.

(on the plus side, you can make a dozen new sea-creatures and just use the old textures, noone can see them floor anyway :))


Active Member
Harmony, the panelions do the same thing, you end up inside them and if there is more than one, sometimes you can't move or get out without killing them, and then they are so big, you can't see around them until the body decays. Yes it is annoying, I wish they would do something about this.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Working on these issues to get them resolved for the next VU


Good, it keeps the motivation up to report more areas for improvement on cyrene :)

Talking of that, in the description of the A.R.C. Elite foot guards (f) it says heros instead of heroes.
(actually the whole sentence isn't working, but the above is the spelling error :))


Active Member
I brought this up sometime in the past but will post another refresher.
Doing the Mining Iron Challenges. When you turn in an enmat challenge, you are rewarded with Prospector / Miner. This really should be Surveyor/ Drilling.
They already corrected this on Arkadia that I have seen turning in a few enmat challenges there, there should be no issue at all for them to do it here as well. While we are talking about it, they added a ton new materials you can now find on Cyrene, so how about a few additional Mining Iron Challenges to go with them as well? If they don't want to change the prize for a current task (which is total BS, they can change the shit out of something in a second if it helps them out), how about new missions that ARE enmat based task rewards?

The more things we have that are appealing and make Cyrene 'worth while' to come to and more importantly STAY at, the better off we will fare in the long run. It doesn't have to be Cyrene unique stuff either, although that most certainly would be nice, but even the ' mee too' things to engage folks here. Quantity kind of counts here as well.

Example, crafting totally SUCKS on this planet the past few weeks, I mean really CRAP SUCKS. Hunting is not a heck of a lot better. What else can I do? Well, mining is doing ok, so instead of leaving the planet to go somewhere where I can do something that is decent without going bankrupt, I can mine here, and having missions and misc daily tasks gives me enough 'to do' stuff to keep me here. If there was only like ten minutes worth of 'mining' tasks then Id go somewhere else, because what else am I going to do for the rest of the 4 hours or whatever time I have? You can only sweat so much and as said before when hunting loots are crap as well, swunting is just another ped suck.... time to go elsewhere. This is what we are trying to avoid. Does this make sense?



Well-Known Member
When finishing the 'Not quite Complete' mission the waypoint to the questgiver is off. It's about 40 metres in the air just west of the Rookie training area, at about: [138658, 77664, 140]. The High Shaman is more to the west near the A.R.C. Immigration Zyn teleporter. at [138325, 77612, 148]

Also the wall around the Zyn village there is solid to the east, but i can walk through the wooden walls at the north side of the village.

But the worst part of it all: I can't hand in the Not Quite Complete mission. When i talk to the high shaman it gives me the text of someone who refuses the next mission. And i was so looking forward to new spelling errors :(



Well-Known Member
When finally getting the 200 A.R.C. badges:

On the zora NPC it actually says 'interactive' with a mouse-over instead of the NPC's name.
Lol and even worse: it isn't interactice since she won't talk to me :(


Well-Known Member
When talking to the Achievement unlocker bot at: [138850, 77074, 115].
It asks me if i completed all the missions of the vehicle master.

Funny thing is that he doesn't check for the vehicle master but it checks for the armor parts mission.

Since the bot is a bit confused i tried lying to it, claiming that i finished it all, but then the bot says i haven't completed the Special Mission: Armor Parts, which i don't have and which the mission giver won't give me.


New Member
Hi I am a new player to EU, started on Caly and came to Cyrene. Been working through the starter missions. Found a couple of issues.

The teleport pads have been mentioned earlier.

I had a mission bug. Where I had 2 missions for the Drill Instructor.

Weaponmaster Rob asked me to talk to the Drill Instructor
I had the "In the Shadows" that asked me to find the Drill Instructor.

When I found her (looks like a female) and spoke with her. A pop up asked me which quest, the Weaponmaster Rob quest had a green check mark and the In the shadows did not. I choose the In the Shadows first. It completed both missions and now the DI is saying I need to complete mission: "Getting Battle Ready" before I come and try this one. (No idea what "This one" is)

I do not have the mission "Getting Battle Ready" so I can not complete it. I looked it up and it looks like it was an old mission to buy TT Pistol and Ammo.

EDIT - Found another. - Non helped me figure it out. Could the description have a little more depth for noobies?

Mission: "Go check out the hub"
Step1: Go find the teleporter - Done
Step2: Find the Turrelion Greeter - Map link goes off the end of the map.

2nd Edit
Graphic Bug - at 138895, 77272 - is a splash of something hovering about half a meter off the ground.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
In the mission centre for the open and completed mission 'pict's pollen issue' pict asks you to kill the dire weed just outside the zyn'kimbro village. Sadly however there is no longer a zyn'kimbro village, and the direweeds aren't just outside where pict is standing.


Well-Known Member
The (maybe old since counter wasn't working) mission text on the vlanwing down mission tells me the reward is either diagnosis or Bioregenesis. But when i can hand in the mission i get to choose between Evade and Melee Combat, which is really annoying because i needed more medical skills.


Active Member
Pleak Puny Tempo mission
Often when you kill them, they refuse to fall to the ground dead. Zombie Pleak? :D
Worse yet, some of them you kill them in flight and they keep flying away before you can loot them :/


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Thanks guys,

We'll be continuing to keep fixing any issues that come up.



Well-Known Member
if you do both the basic and the advanced mario run at the same time, only the basic one will complete, and the advanced one will not finish (not even when completing it a second time).


Well-Known Member
In the description text on the Xent tech Light amplification vine(l):

the last word is amplifer, it should be amplifier.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
In the description text on the Xent tech Light amplification vine(l):

the last word is amplifer, it should be amplifier.

Also in the description it says it consumes extra ammo, which it does not, it simply adds damage without increased consumption.