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Ecotron v.15e


Active Member
Relax the sky isn't falling. :rolleyes:
Chances are Kris + entire Team Cyrene knows if "it was always meant to be tradable" or otherwise.
So a huge +Rep for Team Cyrene keeping in the spirit of RCE with tradable stuff.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

As a reminder: these weapons, just like every other item that we put out on Cyrene, has to go through MindArk.

I do not have any updated information about what, if any, changes will be coming to these weapons.

When there is information I will update.



Active Member
Hey guys,

As a reminder: these weapons, just like every other item that we put out on Cyrene, has to go through MindArk.
Hey guys
As a reminder let's not forget, that a.r.c imperium fiasco (heck even forgot the name) which got renamed to Stolen Imperium armor, and only a few managed to get it.

That also "went through MindArk" but it was clearly a mistake which ya admitted eventually. Who's to say having these guns tradeable which u can get for mere pecs (in the grand scheme of things) ain't gonna be?

This type of system is retarded in every way humanly possible. Not only does it hurt your planet Kris, because campers won't be hunting on it, they'll be camping the vendors. It encourages less ped cycling on your planet, invites campers with no life, whilst your actual regular paying customers are left out. Thus you get less ped flow, you hurt the ones that actually pays the bills, and the leechers only leave your planet after they gotten it (without needing to spend more than a few hundred peds).

Name one positive thing about it?
That doesn't benefit campers. Heck campers are the wrong word for those who spend 24/7 over there. They are leeches. Worse than sweaters, especially when you see threads on pcf when they try to sell these guns for +7k ped.

Do the math, 200 ped to you -7000 ped to the player base, this will affect the loot system, people will get less loot because of these leeches. I'm freaking surprised Mindark haven't figured it out by now.
Although maybe they have, which would explain why currently these guns are so rare that you can't get them unless you camp 24/7 365 days a year, also a negative side affect, because those who really deserve to get them, can't.

Having it tradeable in this form is the most retarded thing one can do.

I've said in the past. Revamp this system, make it either not tradeable or make it exchangable through a npc, both options are better than current one, although none are perfect, having it untradeable means the majority of the leechers will be gone, or at least they will only get one. exchangeable through npc, would only work if untradeable. Otherwise it'll be worth 1:1 ratio. Learn from Planet calypso.

Use current cyrene items and one or two rare new ones (not shrapnel) which you need to SPEND money to get it, either by buying from player (increasing demand) or looting yourself (increasing your bank flow). If the rarity is decided by the loot system itself, campers who don't cycle will be gone. GRINDERS will benefit the most. And people with no time, will still be able to get it by buying parts of it, or the gun itself. The grinders are what pay your bills.